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-in full compliance of 15 U.S. Code Chapter 89 Professional Boxing Safety Act encacted 1996 (referred as Ali Boxing Reform Act)

 These rules and bylaws shall be applied in all WBU-recognized Championship and elimination contests, and are entitled to, and must receive the full recognition and respect from all champions and challengers of the world, provided however that under certain circumstances, as when a champion has dual recognition by more than one boxing organization as champion, various requirements of these Rules and Regulations may be waived by the WBU. Under no circumstances whatsoever, shall the WBU World, Silver, or Interim Championships be contested or defended along with any regional title of any world sanctioning body. Only World titles, Silver, or Interim World titles of the following organizations may be unified with the WBU: IBU-International Boxing Union, IBF-International Boxing Federation, WBA-World Boxing Association, WBO-World Boxing Organization, WAA-World Athletic Association. WBU approves and recommends the following professional fight gloves per the: "Everlast PowerLock". Both participating boxers shall use same brand but not same color. Exceptions may be made should a boxer remit to WBU an executed contract from an alternate manufacturer reading that the boxer has an exclusive endorsement contract from such manufacturer prohibiting the use of the WBU mandated brands. Promoter shall only use cloth canvas for ring floor of the championship bout. Under no conditions shall a vinyl material be utilized as ring floor covering. The WBU is under NO obligation to secure title defenses for any champion but may at its own discretion facilitate the matchup of a title defense when negotiations stall.


1.1 Applicability and Interpretation of these Rules & Regulations:

In all WBU-sanctioned championship and elimination contests, these Rules & Regulations, the WBU Championship Rules as promulgated by the WBU from time to time, and all other rules, regulations and rulings issued by the WBU shall apply, unless a written modification or an exception is issued by the WBU in its sole discretion on a case-by-case basis. The WBU President shall have sole authority and discretion to interpret these Rules & Regulations. All actions and positions of the WBU shall be interpreted solely in accordance with these Rules & Regulations, which for the limited purpose of interpreting these Rules & Regulations shall supersede and control any conflict or inconsistency with any enforceable national or local law, or with any applicable regulation of a boxing commission. These Rules & Regulations are promulgated in the WBU’s official language of English. In the event of any inconsistency, or conflict of interpretation or translation, the English version shall control. Any reference in these Rules & Regulations to the masculine gender shall be taken to include the feminine or transgender gender, as applicable.

1.2 Interpretation of Rules and Power of WBU President to Act in the Best Interests of Boxing: As special and unique circumstances arise in the sport of boxing, not all of which can be anticipated and addressed specifically in these Rules & Regulations, the WBU President and Presidency, in consultation with the WBU Executive Committee, has full power and authority to interpret these Rules & Regulations, and to issue and apply such rulings as he shall in his sole discretion deem to be in the best interests of boxing.

1.3 President’s Authority to Act with Subsequent Ratification: Under special circumstances, if the approval of the WBU Executive Committee is required under these Rules & Regulations for the WBU to take any action, but due to special circumstances it is not possible or practical to obtain such prior approval in a timely manner, the WBU President may take any necessary action, subject to the ratification of such action by the Executive Committee.

1.4 No Course of Dealing: As circumstances arising in the sport of boxing are unique to each matter, no decision of the WBU in its discretion shall constitute a precedent or establish a course of dealing upon which other parties may rely. The WBU shall retain the power and authority to issue rulings on a case-by-case basis in the exercise of its sole discretion.

1.5 All Parties Subject: By participating in any bout, promotion, or any other business dealings or activity involving the WBU’s exclusive trademarks and other intellectual property, each champion, challenger, promoter, and all other parties are deemed to and expressly hereby agree to be subject to these Rules & Regulations and all rulings and interpretations hereof by the WBU.

1.6 Registration of Management and Promotional Contracts: To be valid, all contracts between champions, challengers, and their managers and/or promoters, and/or representatives, advisors, or sports agents must be filed with the WBU.

1.7 Conflict of Interests: No person is permitted to act concurrently both as manager of a boxer and as a promoter of a WBU championship contest involving the same boxer under the aforementioned Ali Act in the USA-United States of America. If this is allowed in other jurisdictions, then the WBU shall honor such contract as long as it is disclosed to the WBU and confirmed it is in accordance with the jurisdiction of legal residence of all parties. It is the sole responsibility of the person who is serving both, as a promoter and as a manager of a boxer, to notify the WBU in writing of such dual capacity, and failure to inform the WBU timely and properly shall result in disciplinary action against the person who incurs in such failure.


WBU Approval of Bouts

2.1 WBU Approval of WBU Championship and Elimination Bouts: All promoters must request in writing the approval by the WBU of any WBU-sanctioned championship, elimination, or qualifying bouts. No bout shall be considered as officially sanctioned by the WBU unless the promoter has received the written approval of the WBU President’s office, and complies fully with all terms and conditions of the WBU’s sanctioning, including payment when directed by the WBU of all required fees and compliance with these Rules & Regulations and any applicable rulings. Promoter agrees to submit current Promoter License from the applicable boxing commission having jurisdiction, current business license under name of license, EIN number or tax paying identification number, certificate of required insurance with WBU as additional insured, copy of performance bond on file with applicable boxing commission, physical business address, copy of executed venue agreement, all partners/associates involved directly or indirectly with the promotion, and completed WBU license/membership form with payment in full.

2.2 WBU Discretion to Deny Sanction: The WBU reserves the right to deny its sanction of any bout, or to withdraw its sanction prior to a bout after it was initially granted, for cause as the WBU shall determine in its sole discretion. Such instances may include, but are not limited to the following:

(a) Noncompliance with WBU Rules & Regulations: The WBU may deny or withdraw its sanction of any contest to be held in a jurisdiction that does not recognize and accommodate to the WBU’s satisfaction the WBU’s legitimate interest in the conduct of WBU bouts, including these Rules & Regulations, implementation (if applicable) by the WBU of any of its programs or protocols (e.g., instant replay, partial open scoring, electronic scoring, etc.), and the WBU’s right to appoint and/or approve ring officials.

(b) Violation of the WBU’s Principles or Constitution: The WBU may deny or withdraw its sanction of any contest to be held in a jurisdiction that, by action or omission, violates the WBU’s principles or Constitution. The WBU may also deny a bout sanction to any bout involving a promoter whose actions might be detrimental to the WBU and boxing if the promoter acts in opposition to the WBU’s expressed policies on safety and other measures to protect boxers, or for any other violations of the WBU’s Rules & Regulations, principles, or Constitution.

(c) Boxers With the Same Managers: When the champion and the challenger have the same manager and/or representative and/or advisor, they must each select for their bout, two different chief seconds, and the original chief second cannot be in the corner of either boxer. Otherwise, sanctioning shall be denied.

2.3 WBU’s Right to Revoke Sanction after a Contest: The WBU reserves the right to revoke its sanction of any bout that had been previously sanctioned or which the WBU had agreed to sanction as a WBU contest without refunding paid sanction fee under circumstances including, but not limited to, the following:

(a) if (i) the local boxing commission where the bout occurred did not permit the WBU to appoint and/or approve all the ring officials, or if the WBU did not agree in writing to all ring officials appointed by the local commission for the match, and (ii) the result is that the decision in the contest is different from what it would have been if all officials had been appointed by the WBU and upheld the WBU’s rules and standards; or

(b) if (i) all Rules & Regulations, Championship Rules, and rulings of the WBU are not complied with, and (ii) the result is that the decision in the contest is different from what it would have been if all of the WBU’s Rules & Regulations, Championship Rules, standards, and rulings had been properly applied, as determined by the WBU in its sole and absolute discretion. Under such circumstances, upon an affirmative vote of 2/3rd of the WBU Executive Committee, the WBU may revoke its sanction of the bout as a WBU contest. In either circumstance, whether the decision would have been different under the WBU’s Rules & Regulations, Championship Rules, standards, and rulings is to be determined solely by the WBU in its sole discretion.

(c) if Boxer cannot get licensed in the jurisdiction that the sanctioned fight was to take place or if management turns down purse offers from promoter of record where boxer's management/sponsor has paid sanction fee.

(d) if Boxer's management or promoter has not completed all obligations of previous sanctioned fight including but not limited to submitting all necessary paperwork, video of fight, and all payments due paid in full. Any payments previously applied towards sanction fee will be forfeited and treated as liquidated damages. This decision may be appealed in writing to the WBU Executive Committee if submitted within seventy-two (72) hours of withdrawal of sanction provided all remaining sanction fees are submitted along with the appeals fee of one thousand euros (E1000). If the championship belt has been received by Promoter of Record it must be returned to the WBU if sanction is permanently denied.

If the bout was a WBU title contest, the WBU’s revocation shall result in the bout being deemed to have been or be a non-title bout. If the bout was a WBU elimination contest, the effect of the WBU’s revocation shall be that neither boxer will gain any rights to a mandatory contest or final elimination bout, nor be eliminated from contention as a result. (The WBU may, in its discretion, consider the action and/or result of the bout in determining its ratings of the boxers.) In such cases, the ruling of the WBU does not control the final determination of the local boxing commission regarding the decision in the contest. However, the decision of a local boxing commission shall never interfere with the power and authority of the WBU to grant or withhold sanctioning any contest as a WBU championship or elimination bout, or to recognize or withhold recognition of any boxer as a WBU Champion or Challenger. If WBU sanctioning is revoked after a contest under this rule, the WBU will still have the right to collect, and/or retain all prior deposits or payments of, all applicable sanction fees, expenses, and any other forms of consideration provided for herein, as the promotion and the participants will have benefitted from the marketing and other value brought to the bout as a result of having been originally sanctioned by the WBU, and because the event was promoted using the WBU’s exclusive and proprietary trademarks and other intellectual property and goodwill, including but not limited to commercial designations, trade names, trademarks and copyrighted materials.

2.4 Disputes between a Boxer and a Boxer’s Representative: In the event of a dispute in which a manager, promoter, or other representative claims contractual rights with respect to a boxer, the WBU may order that the boxer may compete in the bout on the condition that a portion of the boxer’s purse shall be withheld and deposited in escrow until the time that the dispute is resolved. In such cases the boxer must also agree in a manner satisfactory to the WBU to indemnify and hold the WBU harmless from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, and liabilities of any kind in any way related to the dispute.

Purse Offer Procedures 2.5 Adherence to Purse Offer Procedure: After a WBU sanction has been issued, the boxers and their representatives shall have a period to freely engage in negotiations (“free negotiations”) to reach an agreement on financial terms that will apply to their WBU contest. When the boxers and their representatives cannot reach such an agreement during the free negotiations period, the WBU may institute a purse offer, also known as a purse bid or purse auction process. When ordered by the WBU, this purse offer procedure shall not be affected by any promotional agreements in which a promoter has options on either or both boxers in such bouts.

2.6 WBU’s Authority to Modify: With respect to any purse offer that it has ordered, the WBU has the authority to modify the purse offer procedure set forth herein, including all timetables and the respective percentages of the bout purses payable to the boxers, or to cancel any purse offer previously ordered, in each case based upon the facts of the individual case or upon special circumstances, as determined by the WBU in its sole discretion.

2.7 Notifications When Bouts Ordered: Upon ordering a title or elimination bout, the WBU shall provide notification to the boxers or their representatives at their last known contact information registered with the WBU. It is the sole responsibility of each boxer and the boxer’s representative(s) to provide the WBU Presidency with contact information specifically designated for all notices required under the WBU Constitution or these Rules & Regulations. The WBU is not and shall not be held liable for any result or outcome in any way related to the failure of a boxer or any boxer’s representative to keep the WBU advised of their current contact information for such notices.

2.8 Free Negotiations Period: After the WBU orders a bout, there shall be a period of thirty (30) days for the parties to negotiate, finalize, execute, and file a contract for the bout. Should the parties fail to file a fully-executed contract with the WBU by the end of such period, the period of free negotiations shall automatically terminate. The WBU may, by notification to the parties, shorten or lengthen the free negotiation period in special circumstances as determined by the WBU in its sole discretion.

2.9 Request for Purse Offer: Should the free negotiation period not result in signed bout contracts or notification of an agreement being filed with the WBU, the WBU shall issue a public announcement requesting that promoters file purse offers bids to promote the bout. Promoters then currently registered with the WBU may in writing request that the WBU, as a courtesy, send them individual notifications of a request for purse offers. The announcement requesting bids will contain the date, time, and place for the purse offer ceremony, which shall always be subject to change by the WBU in its sole discretion. An announcement through any medium, including the Internet, shall be deemed a public announcement for the purposes of this provision. The period for purse offers to be filed will generally be, and the purse offer ceremony may be held, approximately fifteen (15) calendar days from expiration of the free negotiation period, unless such period is reduced or extended by the WBU in its sole discretion.

2.10 Extension If No Bids Received: If no bids are received by the time and date specified in the announcement, the period for receipt of bids may be extended by the WBU for approximately an additional fifteen (15) calendar days, and the boxers or their registered representatives shall be notified.

2.11 Privilege to Participate in a Purse Offer: The WBU may reject any purse offer bid received from a promoter not in good standing with the WBU (that is, any promoter who (i) has failed to pay all sanction fees, yearly licensing fees, or any other fees, expenses, or fines payable in accordance with these Rules & Regulations or any WBU rulings, or (ii) is suspended, expelled, or subject other discipline by the WBU). The WBU may also reject any purse offer bid received from a promoter who has failed to execute and file with the WBU (i) the WBU Registered Promoters Agreement and (ii) the WBU World Title Bout Authorization Agreement for Promoter.

Each promoter participating in a purse offer procedure shall pay a mandatory, non- refundable participation fee to the WBU as follows:

Heavyweight division bid: €3000 euros

Cruiserweight to middleweight division bid: €2000 euros

Superwelterweight to superbantamweight division bid: €1500 euros

Bantamweight to strawweight division bid: €1000 euros

If a promotional company is participating in more than one purse bid scheduled on the same day, a participation fee will be assessed to such promotional company for each bid. The requirement to pay a participation fee may be modified only by the WBU in its sole discretion. Minimum purse offers shall be no less than eight thousand euros (8000 euros).

2.12 Rejection of Commonality of Bidders: The WBU in its discretion may reject any purse offer bid if there is commonality of ownership, interest, or control among two or more of the participants.

2.13 Format of Purse Offer Bids: Each purse offer bid should be submitted using the WBU’s approved purse offer form. The WBU in its sole discretion may, but is not required to, accept any purse offer bid in an alternate format.

2.14 Submission of Purse Offer Bids: The WBU may reject any purse offer bid submitted after the time and date set forth in the announcement for the opening of bids. Purse offer bids should be presented in person by the date, time and at the place set forth in the announcement of the solicitation of said bids. A bid may also be sent by fax or email to the WBU official conducting the purse offer ceremony. It is the sole responsibility of the participant to confirm actual receipt of any purse offer bid by the WBU official conducting the purse offer ceremony. The WBU will handle all bids received with strict confidentiality prior to the purse offer ceremony.

2.15 Purse Offer Ceremony: At the official purse offer ceremony for a bout, the WBU shall reveal all properly-submitted bids, and the promoter that has made the highest offer of compensation to the boxers shall be awarded the bout. The WBU may reject any bid that contains any contingency, such as, for example, that the purses will be subject to income or profit projections, or any bid stating that a promoter will bid a percentage or dollar amount over the bid by other promoters. Any interested promoter may attend and observe the purse offer ceremony.

2.16 Winning of Purse Offer: The WBU shall notify the winning promoter of his winning bid. Minutes of the purse offer procedure shall be written, signed, and delivered by and to the participating parties and the boxers or their representatives.

2.17 Division of Proceeds in a Purse Offer: The net purse offer (after deduction of all sanction fees payable to the WBU hereunder) shall be divided as follows: (a) 70% for the champion and 30% for the challenger in title bouts; and (b) 50% to each contender in the case of vacant titles or elimination bouts; provided, however, that the WBU Executive Committee, may by a majority vote, authorize a modification of the division of purse offer proceeds between boxers in a purse offer in unusual or special cases, such as consideration of outstanding marketing value of one of the boxers, as the WBU shall determine in its sole discretion. The modification of the split shall be limited to 60-40% and 55-45%, except in the most exceptional circumstances, in which the split may be modified to 50-50%.

2.18 Boxers’ Obligations Regarding Purse Offer Bids: The interested boxers must accept the winning bid and participate in the bout, as the WBU may deem that any boxer who does not agree to participate in a bout on the terms of the winning purse offer has forfeited his privilege as a WBU champion or challenger. For a champion to be deemed to forfeit his title as a result, the WBU Executive Committee must confirm such forfeiture by 2/3rd vote or in the absence of less than three (3) sitting members of the WBU Executive Committee being available, the WBU President shall have the sole authority to act on behalf of the WBU Executive Committee available members without a vote.

2.19 Promoter’s Deposit after Winning Purse Offer: Unless otherwise permitted by the WBU in its sole discretion, the promoter who wins a purse offer must, within ten (10) calendar days after the purse offer ceremony or as otherwise ordered by the WBU, deposit with the WBU twenty percent (20%) of the total amount of the winning offer. If such 20% deposit is not made by the winning promoter as required, the WBU may in its discretion deem that the promoter has forfeited his right to promote the bout, which the WBU may then grant to the second highest bidder.

The balance of the deposit will be returned or credited to the promoter upon or following the payment and/or deduction of all applicable sanction fees at the time of the title bout. In the event after paying the deposit the promoter does not promote the bout according to the terms of the winning bid, the WBU may, in its sole discretion, order that the promoter has forfeited such deposit, which the WBU may in its discretion then distribute to the boxers in accordance with the purse split, and/or retain as a penalty.

2.20 Failure to Promote a Bout: If a promoter who won the purse offer relinquishes the right or fails or refuses to promote the championship bout, the WBU may grant the right to promote the bout to the second-highest bidder, if any, provided however, that if the WBU determines in its sole discretion that the second-highest bid was too low, the WBU may initiate another purse offer procedure or take such other action as it deems appropriate.

2.21 Purse Offer Contracts: After winning a purse offer, the promoter shall within seven (7) days present championship bout contracts, either on the WBU’s form or in a form deemed acceptable by the WBU in its sole discretion, to each boxer or the boxer’s representative to be signed and delivered to the WBU within twenty-one (21) calendar days after the purse offer ceremony. The promoter will have fifteen (15) calendar days after the purse offer ceremony to inform the WBU in writing of the location (country, state/province and city) and date of the bout. The WBU may modify either or both periods for cause as determined in its sole discretion.

2.22 Failure to Sign Purse Offer Contracts: If a promoter has presented to the boxers bout contracts form acceptable to the WBU within the required deadline recognized or ordered by the WBU, but either or both boxers have not signed and returned the contract, the promoter will not be deemed at fault, and will be deemed to have complied with his obligation to file the contracts in a timely manner. If the promoter has presented a WBU approved contract, and a boxer or boxer’s representative fails to sign the contract within the required period after the purse offer ceremony, or if the boxer otherwise refuses to participate in the bout for the promoter who won the purse offer, the WBU shall have the power to impose disciplinary actions upon such boxer and/or or boxer’s representative, including but not limited to forfeiture of title or challenger status, or any other measure the WBU deems appropriate in its sole discretion.

2.23 Timing of a Bout: A promoter must promote the bout within ninety (90) days after winning a purse offer, subject to modification at any time by the WBU in its discretion. The WBU may withdraw a promoter’s privilege to promote any bout if the promoter is unable to comply with such time limit.

Special Circumstances Affecting Purse Offers 2.24 Amount of Purse Offer Bids and New Bids: The WBU reserves the right to refuse any purse offer it determines at its sole discretion to be too low. In the event of identical high bids, new purse offers will be taken from those promoters who submitted the identical high bids, or they may agree to co-promote. New bids may be taken at the same purse offer meeting if the winning promoters, or their duly authorized representatives, are present. If one or more of the promoters who submitted identical higher bids or their duly authorized representatives are not present, new sealed or confidential bids shall be submitted to the WBU within seven (7) calendar days from the original opening of the bids.

2.25 Boxers Must Have No Contractual Restrictions: The WBU may reject as unavailable any boxer who has contractual, health, legal, or other restrictions that would prevent the boxer from complying with his obligations to engage in free negotiations under these Rules & Regulations. Each boxer is solely responsible for notifying the WBU of any such restrictions. Absent any such notification, the WBU may assume that there are no contractual, health, legal, or other restrictions or obligations that would interfere with a boxer’s ability to freely negotiate for and participate in a bout. In the event that a boxer fails to timely notify the WBU of any such restriction or obligations, the WBU may subject such boxer to disciplinary action, including a fine or removal of WBU status.

2.26 Non-Applicability of Purse Offer Procedure: The purse offer procedure herein will not be applicable, and may be cancelled by the WBU, when in free negotiations a boxer is offered a purse that the WBU believes in its sole discretion on a case-by-case basis is fair and reasonable based upon the boxer’s historical earnings, the boxer’s then-current market value, the market value of the division, and the boxing market in general at the time. In each case, such determination may be made by the WBU based on registered contracts and any other information available to the WBU. Upon any such ruling by the WBU, if the boxer does not accept the offer, the WBU may remove the boxer’s WBU status and order an alternate challenger or name the boxer’s opponent as mandatory challenger.

2.27 Rights of Promoters Holding Options: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary which may be contained in these Rules & Regulations, if a promoter holds a duly registered, binding, and approved option to promote a bout of a boxer, but: (a) is unable to finalize a contract for a mandatory championship bout within the time periods prescribed herein; or (b) is not successful in winning the purse offer for the bout, the WBU may in its sole discretion order that the winning promoter and affected boxer shall pay to the promoter holding the option an amount equal to 25% of the amount by which the purse payable to the boxer in the winning purse offer exceeds the amount that was guaranteed to the boxer under the option (or any higher amount that had been offered to such boxer by the promoter holding the option during the free negotiations period.

Under such circumstances, it shall be the obligation of the winner of the purse offer to pay such amount directly to the promoter holding the option at the same time that the purses are paid to the boxers for the ordered bout. For example, if a promoter has a valid option to promote a champion’s next bout, under which the champion will receive a guaranteed €100000 euros purse (and no higher purse was offered to the boxer by such promoter during free negotiations), and in the purse offer won by another promoter the champion is guaranteed €200000 euros, then the promoter holding the option would be entitled to payment of €25000 euros, which is 25% of the excess of the purse offer (€200000 euros) over his option (€100000 euros).

2.28 Modification of Purse Offers: If at any time after a purse offer the boxers and the promoter agree to reduce the amount of the purse, the sanction fees payable to the WBU will nevertheless be based upon the original purse offer and not pursuant to any reduced terms, due to the WBU’s role in maximizing the value of the bout.

2.29 Single Purse Offer Bids: If only one promoter presents a bid in a purse offer, he will be allowed to promote the bout unless the WBU considers the offer so low that it would be detrimental to the best interests of the boxers, in which case the WBU will undertake efforts to improve the boxers’ purses.

2.30 Authority of the President in Purse Offers: The WBU President or his designee shall have the authority to resolve any issue regarding purse offers if the situation if not otherwise provided for in these Rules & Regulations, or to act in their discretion to take whatever action they deem necessary and appropriate regarding purse offer procedures to preserve justice and equality.

Contractual Arrangements 2.31 Privileges of WBU Registered Promoters: All promoters who are registered and in good standing with the WBU may register contracts for championship and elimination bouts with the WBU, request a sanction to promote any WBU-sanctioned championship or elimination bout, participate in WBU purse offer procedures, register option contracts with the WBU, and participate in any other activity permitted by and consistent with the WBU’s Rules & Regulations, Championship Rules, standards, and rulings.

2.32 Filing of Official Championship Bout Contracts: Promoters must file all contracts for WBU-sanctioned bouts with the WBU. If the bout is the result of a purse offer, the contracts must be on the official WBU form, unless the parties submit a mutually-agreed contract in alternate format acceptable to the WBU. The official WBU forms of Registered Promoters Agreement, Authorization Agreement from Promoter, and Champion and Challenger Compliance Agreement must also be executed and filed with the WBU. It is the responsibility of each promoter to ensure that bout agreements are properly executed by the boxers or their duly authorized representatives in accordance with these Rules & Regulations.

2.33 Representatives of Boxers: (a) To be recognized by the WBU, all contracts between boxers and their managers, promoters, agents, or other representatives must be filed by such parties with the WBU. Alternatively, the WBU may in its sole discretion accept a written communication from the governing boxing commission or federation certifying that it has received and has such contract on file, provided that the parties consent to the WBU obtaining any such contract from such commission or federation.

(b) It is the sole and exclusive responsibility and obligation of each manager, promoter, agent, and other representative of a boxer to convey to the boxer the substance of any communications between the WBU and such representative concerning the boxer’s dealings with the WBU so that the boxer will be fully informed regarding all such matters, and the WBU may rely in each case upon each such representative’s compliance with this rule. Therefore, under no circumstance shall the WBU be held responsible or liable for any failure of such representative to keep their boxer fully informed of all such communications.

2.34 Options in Title Bouts: If at the time of execution of a contract resulting from free negotiations, a boxer and the promoter may agree that the promoter has an option to promote the boxer’s first title defense in the event that he wins or retains the title. In order for such an option clause to be recognized by the WBU, it must be legally valid and enforceable under the law that governs the bout contract. An option under this provision shall not be recognized by the WBU or enforceable if it is: (a) prohibited in the jurisdiction that governs the bout contract; or (b) otherwise prohibited by law.

2.35 Time Limitations on Mandatory Options: A promoter receiving an option granted to him pursuant to the preceding rule must stage the option bout within four (4) months from the date after the initial bout or sooner if ordered by the WBU. The WBU may permit an option to be extended beyond its stated term if the bout cannot be promoted within such term due to matters beyond the control of the promoter, if such option may be extended under such circumstances according to its terms and is legally binding.

2.36 Voluntary Options: A boxer may voluntarily grant options to a promoter, and the WBU will recognize such options as valid, binding, and enforceable unless: (1) such options are invalid or invalidated due to breach of the terms stipulated in such contract; or (2) the WBU determines that such options are unfair or abusive pursuant to Rule 2.39 below.

2.37 Procedures Related to Options: In order to be recognized by the WBU, all option agreements must comply with these Rules & Regulations and with any applicable WBU rulings, be validly executed, and be filed by promoters with the WBU. All bouts held pursuant to options must comply in all respects with these Rules & Regulations and with any applicable WBU rulings.

2.38 WBU Bouts Take Priority Over Options: A promoter’s exercise of any option is subject to the WBU’s right to order or sanction mandatory or voluntary bouts in accordance with these Rules & Regulations, and may not interfere with the responsibilities of any boxer to comply with the rulings of the WBU.

2.39 Unfair Economic Value of Option: The WBU may deny its sanction of any bout to be held pursuant to an option contract if the WBU determines in its sole discretion that the economic value of the option is so low that could be considered unfair or abusive toward the boxer.

2.40 Exclusive Promotional Agreements: The WBU does recognize exclusive promotional agreements between a promoter and a boxer. However, the WBU may, at is sole discretion, deem determine that any such agreement constitutes a contractual impediment to the boxer fulfilling his obligations under the Rules & Regulations.

2.41 License: In consideration of the benefit derived from the use of the WBU’s exclusive intellectual property rights including, but not limited to the WBU’s trademarks and sanction, each promoter, boxer, and all other participants in any WBU-sanctioned bout is deemed to and expressly hereby consents to the use by the WBU of their names, trademarks, image, likeness, and descriptions of such bout and its participants, and any and all video/digital footage featuring their images or owned by them or in which they have usage rights, for the purposes of promoting the bout, its action, and its result, the WBU Championships, and the WBU itself, as well as for the purpose of training of WBU officials and members and preserving historical records of the WBU.

WBU Officials 2.42 Appointment of Judges and Referees: The WBU Presidency shall be responsible for appointing, approving, or accepting judges and referees as ring officials for each WBU contest. Such officials should be, and the WBU shall strive to appoint to the extent reasonably possible, from countries neutral to the boxers, unless both boxers have the same nationality or residence. At its sole discretion, the WBU may appoint officials from the country of origin of one of the boxers: (1) by recognizing an agreement between the boxers; or (2) due to economic or other extraordinary circumstances. The WBU President and his designees have full authority to reach agreements with local commissions regarding any and all aspects of the appointment of ring officials, or to permit bouts to occur with the WBU reserving its rights in accordance with these Rules & Regulations.

2.43 Examinations for Officials: All judges and referees shall take and pass any and all physical, performance, medical, ophthalmologic, and other tests as shall be mandated by the local commission for the bout, as well as the official’s local federation and the WBU.

2.44 Conduct of Ring Officials: Ring officials appointed to work WBU-sanctioned bouts, at all times when acting on behalf of the WBU in an official capacity or as a ring official generally, are to conduct themselves in an exemplary manner in and out of the ring and exercise their duties and responsibilities in accordance with the procedures and practices contained in the WBU Ring Officials Guide and the WBU Code of Ethics. Every official appointed by the WBU should be a member in good standing of the WBU or an affiliated federation. Appointment as an official in a WBU-sanctioned contest is a privilege, not a right.

2.45 WBU Supervisors/Representatives: The WBU should be represented at all sanctioned contests by a Supervisor or Supervisors appointed by the WBU President, the President’s designee, or the respective Federation president or committee chairman. With respect to the bout, the WBU Supervisor shall have the authority to make any and all decisions and take all actions necessary to interpret and enforce these Rules & Regulations and the WBU’s rulings, subject only to review by the WBU President, the President’s designee, and/or WBU Executive Committee. WBU Supervisors must be assigned no later than thirty (30) days prior to the scheduled weigh-in in. The WBU does not guarantee sanction of a championship title fight if requested inside this thirty (30) day period. WBU Supervisors are to be paid by the Promoter of Record for the fight supervised prior to traveling to event. WBU Representatives for the various worldwide regions shall be paid by the WBU within seventy-two (72) hours prior to completion of the event after receiving all required paperwork from the WBU Supervisor.

2.46 WBU Representatives at WBU Bouts: The WBU Supervisor shall be seated at the local commission’s table so that he may reasonably supervise and tally the scoring of the judges after every round and to be able to perform his other responsibilities. The President of the WBU must also be seated at the ring. The promoter(s) of any WBU-sanctioned contest is also specifically obligated to arrange for or provide tickets for up to three (3) numbered ringside seats to accommodate additional WBU officials and executives in the technical zone, or, if not available, immediately adjacent to the ring.

2.47 Promoters’ Obligations for WBU Representatives’ Expenses: The promoter(s) of any WBU-sanctioned contest shall pay all expenses, including transportation, lodging, meals, and other incidental expenses, of all ring officials, and also for the WBU Supervisor(s). Attendance by the WBU President and any of his designees at any WBU-sanctioned contest will be in an official capacity, and the promoter shall pay all of the transportation, lodging, meals, and other incidental expenses for the WBU President and or his designees to attend the event. Should the WBU President attend in an official capacity, promoter shall pay for business class direct airfare, three (3) nights in four (4) star hotel, meals, and transportation to and from airport as well as other relevant related functions.

2.48 Fees for Ring Officials: A schedule of minimum fees to be paid to supervisors and ring officials will be designated by the WBU from time to time, and the promoter must pay such fees as required unless WBU agrees to the local commission applicable scale fees. Fees for Member Ring Officials are to be as posted on this website while non-member Ring Officials shall be paid scale of the presiding boxing commission. The payment of fees to the ring officials must be made directly by the WBU Supervisor or by the local boxing commission under his supervision.

2.49 Attire of WBU Ring Officials: All referees in world title bouts must wear the official WBU uniform consisting of black slacks, solid baby blue shirt, black bowtie, black boxing shoes, and the WBU emblem patch. Referees shall not wear rings, medals or any other metallic accessory while in the ring. All judges appointed to WBU sanctioned bouts shall wear the official WBU uniform consisting of a black suit, white shirt, black bowtie, black shoes, and the WBU emblem patch.

2.50 WBU Championship Belts Provided for Each Division: The WBU will award the championship belt(s) to the champions of each weight division. The promoter of any WBU championship is expressly obligated to pay any fee and/or deposit per WBU Sanction Agreement for the WBU title belt as well as pay any fee and/or deposit on demand associated a new title belt in the event that a new champion is crowned.

2.51 Ownership of Belt: Once a boxer wins a WBU championship, the physical belt and its accompanying intellectual property/benefits/marks remain the Property of the WBU; however, the WBU will allow the winning boxer to retain the belt as long as he is in good standing with the WBU with the Promoter of Record's permission or if the winning boxer is agreeable he pay remit the required deposit for the WBU belt himself and have a belt delivered to him though the WBU retains exclusive worldwide rights, interest, title and ownership of any and all copyright, trademark, trade name, design patent and all other intellectual/physical property rights in any way associated with the utility, appearance, design, or ownership of the WBU title belts and any symbol or copyrighted material appearing therein. The WBU shall have the right to prohibit a boxer’s display of a WBU title belt at any time, including but not limited to circumstances that the WBU its sole discretion deems inappropriate or that otherwise brings dishonor upon the WBU or the sport of boxing such as disparaging posts on social media or showing disrespect to the WBU or the belt itself. By accepting the title belt and the benefits associated with its possession, all boxers and their representatives are deemed to and expressly hereby agree to be bound by and comply with the WBU Rules & Regulations and any rulings of the WBU concerning the display of the boxer’s WBU title belt and with the WBU rights under governing trade name, copyright, trademark, design patent, and all other applicable intellectual property laws and regulations. The WBU belt may NOT be used for any commercial or promotional use outside of a title defense without the WBU’s express written permission as well as designated compensation to WBU for use of its marks and rights.

2.52 Champion Must Bring His Belt Into the Ring: A WBU champion must always bring, and wear or have prominently displayed, his championship belt when he enters the ring for every defense of his title. If he does not bring his championship belt to the ring, he will be subject to a fine of €200 euros and other disciplinary measures by the WBU. The champion must give the championship belt to the WBU Supervisor before the beginning of the bout, so that it may be awarded to the winner.

2.53 Presentation of Belt: At the end of each championship contest, the WBU Supervisor(s), the WBU President if present, and the president of the local commission and local federation shall go into the ring to present the belt to the champion on behalf of the WBU Executive Committee. The promoter of the contest is responsible to provide security, organize the ceremony for presentation of the championship belt, and require the boxers to reasonably assist so that such presentation can occur in an organized and efficient manner.

2.54 Subsequent Award of Belt to a New Champion: If a champion’s title belt is presented to a new champion and an additional title belt is not available, following the presentation ceremony the new champion must immediately return the former champion’s belt to the WBU Supervisor, who shall return the belt to the former champion. The WBU will later award a new title belt to the new champion.

ARTICLE III - CHAMPIONSHIP OBLIGATIONS 3.1 Timing of Defenses: The WBU’s policy is to offer opportunities to boxers to compete for its titles, and thus the WBU seeks to prevent titles from being frozen due to inactivity by champions. Therefore, a WBU champion should strive to defend the title in mandatory or voluntary defenses at least two (2) times a year, unless a written exception or extension is granted by the WBU in its sole discretion. Therefore, a WBU champion should strive to defend his title at least every one hundred twenty (120) days unless otherwise permitted by the WBU in its sole discretion. Upon winning a title, a WBU champion must defend the title within 120 days or as otherwise ordered by the WBU, unless otherwise ordered or permitted by the WBU in its sole discretion.

3.2 Recognition Subject to Forfeit: A champion who does not defend his title within the periods set forth herein shall forfeit his title, unless the WBU in its sole discretion otherwise permits. Further, the WBU may also withdraw recognition of a mandatory or qualifying challenger for inactivity or failure to engage in any bout ordered by the WBU. A WBU champion may not compete for or hold a championship of another organization unless permitted by the WBU in its sole discretion. The WBU does allow the unification of comparable titles with the following organizations without written notification: WBA (World Boxing Association), WBO (World Boxing Organization), IBF (International Boxing Federation, IBU (International Boxing Union), and WAA (World Athletic Association) provided the title is of the same level or higher as that of the WBU.

3.3 Qualified Challengers: Champions shall defend their titles, either in a voluntary or mandatory defense, against a challenger (each, a “Qualified Challenger”) in one of the following categories:

(a) any of the top ten (10) rated contenders; or

(b) with the approval of or ratification by a majority of the Executive Committee,

i. any boxer formerly rated by WBU who has been inactive due to contractual problems with their management ;

ii. a champion or a highly-rated boxer of another weight division;

iii. another WBU champion, such as a WBU Diamond or Silver Champion, Champion Emeritus, or Champion in Recess;

iv. a former world champion or other elite challenger;

v. a champion of another boxing organization recognized by the WBU; or

(c) under special circumstances and with the approval of or ratification by two-third (2/3rd) of the Executive Committee, a contender not otherwise listed in one or more of the above categories.

3.4 Voluntary Defenses: In order to fulfill their requirement to defend the title regularly in a timely manner, champions shall propose voluntary defenses against Qualified Challengers as defined above. No bout shall qualify as a voluntary defense other than as permitted by the WBU in accordance with these Rules & Regulations or any WBU rulings. Any bout (voluntary or mandatory) in which a WBU World Champion would compete for or defend a title or status other than his WBU World Championship, even if the WBU title is also at stake, is not permitted absent special circumstances, and then only following a prior written request to and approval by the WBU, which in its sole discretion may approve, deny, or impose such terms and conditions as it may determine appropriate under the facts and circumstances on a case-by-case basis.

3.5 Mandatory Defense Obligations: All WBU champions shall make at least one (1) mandatory defense per year, unless an exception is granted by the WBU in its sole discretion. A champion may be required to make more than one mandatory defense per year, if the WBU has designated more than one mandatory challenger for any reason. No bout shall be considered a mandatory defense unless expressly approved as mandatory by the WBU, and made exclusively against an official mandatory challenger designated by the WBU. A challenger who wins the title shall automatically inherit the mandatory defense obligations of the champion he defeated, unless the WBU in its sole discretion otherwise directs.

3.6 Timing and Extensions of Mandatory Defense Obligations: The time periods for mandatory defenses stated in these Rules may be altered by the WBU in its sole discretion under special circumstances, including if a champion has defended the title in a voluntary defense against a contender the WBU may have deemed a mandatory challenger. No mandatory bout may be contested until such time as is required for a mandatory defense under these Rules & Regulations, including any extensions that may be granted by the WBU in its sole discretion.

3.7 Designation of Mandatory Challengers: The WBU shall always have the discretion to designate a mandatory challenger by:

(a) ordering a final elimination bout of two qualified contenders; or

(b) designating a Qualified Challenger as the official mandatory challenger.

For the avoidance of doubt, the highest rated (or the highest rated available) boxer in the WBU rankings is never, solely by virtue of such position, the official mandatory challenger. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, including any communications attributed to the WBU, no boxer shall be considered as, or claim any privileges associated with, being a mandatory challenger unless (i) the boxer has been officially designated as such by the WBU President or the President’s designated representative, and (ii) the WBU Executive Committee has voted to authorize or ratify the designation of such boxer as mandatory challenger.

3.8 Special Bout Sanction(s): Under special circumstances, including but not limited to as a bout involving an elite contender, a champion of another organization, a match or tournament that the WBU determines in its sole discretion would be in the best interests of boxing, or any other applicable special circumstance, the WBU may order and/or sanction any such bout, or each associated tournament bout, as either a voluntary or mandatory defense under such terms and conditions as the WBU may impose in its sole discretion, and may order that any such special bout take precedence over and occur prior to any previously designated mandatory defense.

Under the circumstances set forth in the preceding paragraph, any previously-designated mandatory challenge may be ordered by the WBU:

(i) to occur immediately after the special bout or tournament with no intervening bout,

(ii) to be rescheduled to occur after one or more voluntary bouts, or

(ii) postponed by the WBU until such time as the champion is required to defend against his next mandatory challenger, including any extensions that may be granted by the WBU in accordance with these Rules & Regulations, or any applicable WBU rulings.

Additionally, in order to permit the WBU to approve and sanction special tournaments for any WBU championship, mandatory, or elimination position, the WBU has the authority, in its sole discretion, to approve variations from any applicable WBU rule, championship rule, policy, or practice.

3.9 Elimination Bouts: The WBU may order one or more qualifying or elimination bouts and tournaments to determine ratings and to select the boxers that will compete in a final elimination bout to designate an official mandatory challenger. Therefore, elimination bouts do not necessarily result in the designation of an official mandatory challenger, and the winner of an elimination bout does not become mandatory challenger, unless such bout has been sanctioned by the WBU explicitly as a “final elimination” bout. Only the winner of a final elimination bout shall become a mandatory challenger, and shall be subject to the provisions of these Rules & Regulations and such additional conditions and exceptions as may be imposed by the WBU in its discretion on a case-by-case basis.

3.10 Suspension or Revocation of Recognition Following Elimination Bout: Following an elimination or final elimination contest, the WBU may revoke recognition of the winner of such bout as a qualifying or mandatory challenger if: (i) the WBU in its sole discretion determines that (a) the outcome of the match was controversial or irregular or (b) despite winning the bout, the winner’s performance was unsatisfactory or did not demonstrate sufficient merit to advance; (ii) a winner remains inactive for an extended period in advance of his final elimination or championship bout; or (iii) it otherwise serves the best interests of the sport. Under such circumstances, the WBU may order a rematch, order one or more additional qualifying, elimination, or final elimination bouts that include or exclude one or both of the previous contenders, or designate Qualified Challenger as a mandatory contender under Rule 3.4.

3.11 Immediate Rematch Policy: The WBU may recognize immediate rematch clauses in bout agreements and will sanction or authorize immediate rematches, especially if it determines in its sole discretion, with the authorization of or ratification by two-third (2/3rd) of the Executive Committee, that:

(a) the conduct or result of the bout was controversial or irregular;

(b) there is sufficient public demand; or

(c) a direct rematch would otherwise be in the best interests of the division or boxing. If the WBU determines that an immediate rematch is appropriate pursuant to this preceding rule, it may order the rematch as a mandatory bout, permit a requested rematch as a voluntary bout, or sanction the bout as a special bout under Rule 3.8.

If the WBU orders such a rematch, it may also rule the winner of the immediate rematch comply with mandatory defense obligations existing at the time of the original contest, or may grant the winner one or more optional defenses prior to fulfilling any mandatory obligations.

3.12 Rematch after Intervening Contest: The WBU may also order a rematch as a mandatory defense after allowing an intervening contest. In such a case, the winner of the intervening contest must face the other participant in the original bout and must comply with mandatory defense obligations existing at the time of the original bout, unless an exception due to special circumstances is granted by the WBU in its sole discretion.

3.13 Non-Title Bouts: A WBU Champion must always defend the WBU title if he boxes in the same weight division as his championship. A WBU Champion may not engage in any non-title bout in his weight division, or a title or non-title bout in any other weight division, without requesting and receiving written permission for and/or a written sanction of the bout from the WBU as a WBU “Special Event” under Rule 3.8. In such circumstances, the WBU may in its sole discretion authorize a WBU champion to engage in such a contest, provided, however, that the WBU Champion has requested and consented that the proposed bout be sanctioned as a WBU Special Event to be governed by the WBU’s Rules & Regulations, and pays all sanction fees required pursuant to Rule 7. The champion’s title is subject to forfeiture for any failure to comply with this Rule.

3.14 Champions with Multiple Titles: No WBU Champion may compete for an additional title in boxing or any other combative sport without first requesting and receiving a written sanction of the bout from the WBU. If the WBU permits a champion to compete for more than one title, the following rules are applicable:

(a) if a WBU champion wins a title in more than one weight division, the WBU may, in its sole discretion, notify the champion that he has, e.g., fifteen (15) days from the date of the notification to elect which title he will keep and which he will vacate. However, the WBU may allow the WBU champion to hold both titles in the two weight divisions provided the champion agrees in writing to defend both titles two (2) times a year as noted herein and pays applicable sanction fees. If the WBU champion does not make such an election within the prescribed time, the WBU shall thereafter have the authority to vacate one of the titles when and in such manner as it may determine in its sole discretion;

(b) if a WBU champion wins a title of another organization, the WBU may, in its sole discretion, notify the champion that he has, e.g., fifteen (15) days from the date of the notification to elect which title he will keep and which he will vacate. If the WBU champion does not make such an election within the prescribed time, the WBU shall thereafter have the authority to vacate his WBU title.

The WBU in the exercise of its sole discretion may permit exceptions to this Rule in the case of elite champions and/or under by considering special circumstances, in the best interests of boxing.

If with the WBU’s permission

(i) a WBU Champion competes for a title in a different weight division, or

(ii) if a WBU affiliated champion competes for a greater title, and in either case loses, the WBU may in its discretion but is not required to vacate his original title, based upon its evaluation of the facts and circumstances.

If without the WBU's permission

(i) a WBU Champion competes for a title in a different weight division without competing for the WBU title in the same weight division, the WBU title currently held by the WBU Champion will be immediately vacated upon entering the ring to compete for the other title without notice.


3.15 Withdrawal or Suspension of Recognition: The privilege, goodwill, trademarks, and other intellectual property associated with any WBU championship, the WBU belts, or WBU-sanctioned bout, and the WBU titles and designations, are each owned exclusively by the WBU. Therefore, the WBU may suspend or withdraw recognition of a boxer as a WBU champion, challenger, or contender, as it may determine in its sole discretion, for any reason justifying suspension or withdrawal, including but not limited to violation of the WBU Constitution or these Rules & Regulations, holding the title of or fighting for another organization without the approval or sanction of the WBU, or conviction and imprisonment for a crime involving moral turpitude or any other serious moral offense.

3.16 Petition for Reconsideration: In the event that the WBU suspends or withdraws its recognition of a boxer as a champion or challenger under these Rules, such action will be deemed final, and the WBU may undertake any action to fill a vacant title or establish challengers as it may deem appropriate in its sole discretion, provided, however, that the affected party may request reconsideration solely in accordance with Article V hereof.

3.17 Filling a Vacant Title: If a title becomes vacant for any reason, the WBU Executive Committee may in its discretion authorize whatever steps or actions it deems necessary or appropriate to fill the title, including but not limited to:

(a) instituting a tournament or elimination contest(s) among Qualified Challengers;

(b) ordering a championship contest between two Qualified Challengers; or

(c) recognizing as champion the winner of a previous elimination bout.

3.18 Conditions upon New Champion: The WBU may, as it in its sole discretion deems proper and necessary, impose conditions upon a new champion filling a vacant title, including but not limited to: (a) ordering the first defense of the title as a mandatory defense against a WBU-designated challenger (who may be any Qualified Challenger or a challenger selected through a final elimination bout or a WBU-recognized tournament. Upon request, the WBU may in its discretion approve one or more voluntary defenses prior to ordering a mandatory defense.

3.19 Inactivity of a Champion: If a WBU Champion is or may become inactive in a manner that may prevent or unduly delay him from fulfilling his voluntary and mandatory defense obligations in the timeframe determined by the WBU on a case by case basis, based upon the unique facts and circumstances existing at that time in the division, the WBU may declare the championship vacant and order one or more bouts to fill the vacant title. Such inactivity may be either

(i) a period of past and continuing inactivity or

(ii) potential future inactivity that may prevent a champion from defending his title in a timely manner as required under these Rules.

The WBU may make such a determination based upon special circumstances, which may include, but not be limited to:

(a) medical issues or injury;

(b) legal issues or contractual impediments;

(c) personal or family issues; or

(d) other controversy or circumstances whether or not beyond the control of the boxer or the WBU.

(e) boxer failing to obtain current professional boxing license thus rendering executed sanctioning agreement "pending" until such time license is granted.

It is the sole responsibility of a WBU Champion or approved challenger to notify the WBU in writing in a timely manner of any circumstances that may prevent him from complying with his title fight ordefense obligations. In the event that a champion fails to notify the WBU in a timely manner of such circumstances, the WBU may take appropriate actions including vacating the title or imposing other penalties. In the event a boxer has failed to obtain a current license or WBU membership and the sanction agreement has been executed, the boxer shall be deemed "mandatory" challenger and the current champion must defend at first available opportunity. It is not the responsibility of the WBU to obtain or assist in obtaining a license for a boxer from the presiding commission.

3.20 Champion in Recess: In certain cases under the preceding Rule, the WBU may in its discretion designate a Champion as a “Champion in Recess”, such that upon the boxer’s return, he will qualify to box for the championship as an elite contender for the new champion, or as the returning champion. The WBU may order or permit a returning Champion in Recess to box directly for the title in a mandatory or voluntary contest, or to box one or more Qualified Challengers in order to retain his status as Champion in Recess. A Champion in Recess may return as a mandatory challenger, but only upon the specific determination and written approval of such status by the WBU Executive Committee, which may approve or deny such request in its sole discretion.

3.21 Interim Championship Rule: In special circumstances, including when the WBU in its sole discretion declares a WBU champion temporarily unavailable to defend his title, the WBU may sanction a bout between Qualified Challengers for an interim championship, or otherwise recognize an interim champion in the division. In its sole discretion, the WBU shall subsequently determine the timing and terms of any bout between a Champion and Interim Champion to determine a sole champion in the division, provided, however, that an Interim Champion shall never be deemed a mandatory challenger, or entitled to greater share of proceeds of any purse offer beyond that of a challenger, without a specific prior written order to that effect from the WBU President or his designee. For the avoidance of doubt, a WBU Interim World Championship shall be considered a true WBU World title for all purposes, other than with respect to a bout versus the actual World Champion, absent any order to the contrary from the WBU in its sole discretion.

3.22 Diamond Championship: In its discretion, on such terms and conditions as it may impose, the WBU may designate a WBU Diamond Champion of the World in each weight division. The WBU may award the Diamond Championship to recognize the most extraordinary and elite boxer in a division or as a special distinction, or may sanction a bout for the title as an extraordinary bout, under such terms and conditions as the WBU may designate in its sole discretion. The Diamond Champion shall be subject only to such obligations, if any, to defend the title as the WBU may impose or permit in its sole discretion, upon an affirmative vote by the WBU Executive Committee. The Diamond Champion may be permitted to voluntarily defend the title; however, a challenger may not win the Diamond Championship unless a special sanction has been granted by the WBU in its sole discretion. The WBU may also order the Diamond Champion to comply with all defense and other obligations applicable to WBU World Champions hereunder.

3.23 Silver Championship: In its discretion, on such terms and conditions as it may impose, the WBU may designate or order and award WBU Silver Championships of the World in each weight division. The WBU Silver Championship is a world title superior to all WBU championships except the World or Diamond Championships. The WBU may designate the challengers for a Silver Championship from among any Qualified Challengers. A Silver Champion must comply with all defense and other obligations applicable to WBU World Champions hereunder as the WBU shall order in its discretion. A Silver Champion shall be a mandatory contender for the WBU World Championship without winning a final elimination bout for the World title, unless a written exception has been authorized by a majority vote of the WBU Executive Committee in its sole discretion.

3.24 Champion Emeritus: In its discretion, the WBU may, upon a 2/3rd vote of the WBU Executive Committee, designate in each weight category one or more WBU Champions Emeritus. The recognition of WBU Champion Emeritus may be bestowed upon a present or past WBU World Champion of extraordinary prestige, reputation, stature, or everlasting legacy in the sport. A WBU Champion Emeritus shall also be an Ambassador of Good Will on behalf of the WBU.

A WBU Champion Emeritus shall be free to display and exhibit his special belt in any social ceremony or sports event but not in any commercial enterprise for payment without the written permission of WBU and compensation negotiated. The WBU Champion Emeritus recognition is the highest of honors granted by the WBU to any boxer, and cannot be lost or transferred to anyone inside or outside the ring. Champion Emeritus recognition may be withdrawn only by the WBU its sole discretion in the event that a holder of this recognition affiliates with another boxing organization or if the WBU determines in its sole discretion that the holder has otherwise brought dishonor upon the WBU or the sport of boxing. A Champion Emeritus may request an immediate challenge to a WBU World Champion as a special bout sanction without first boxing in an elimination contest, and if a mandatory challenger has previously been designated, the WBU may pursuant to Rule 3.8 order that the Champion Emeritus compete first for the title as an immediate mandatory challenger, but in any event, only upon the prior written approval of such status by the affirmative vote of the WBU Executive Committee, which may approve or deny such request in its sole discretion.

3.25 Twelve Round Restriction: World title bouts between male boxers shall be twelve (12) rounds of three (3) minutes each in duration. World title bouts between female boxers shall be between ten (10) to twelve (12) rounds of two (2) or three (3) minutes each in duration as the WBU may designate. The World title may be reduced to ten (10) rounds of three (3) minutes each in duration to accommodate television broadcast or should the title be vacant. In order to ensure safety of all boxers, no WBU champion or challenger will be authorized to compete at any event with any bout of over twelve (12) rounds. Associated WBU titles may be competed at 12 rounds or less, as ordered by the affiliated entity or committee, or by agreement between the WBU and the local commission.


Medical Regulations 4.1 WBU Medical Advisory Board: The WBU shall form in the future a medical advisory board or committee consisting of one or more chairmen and one or more vice-chairmen from the continental federations. Until that time the WBU may appoint a non-related entity to serve in that capacity. The medical advisory board shall be charged with (a) studying and making recommendations to the WBU Executive Committee; and (b) proposing rules and policies, regarding health and safety measures for boxers. The WBU and the medical advisory board may hold medical congresses, conferences, and regular seminars to study and update their recommendations to the WBU.

4.2 WBU-Ordered Examinations: Prior to approving any boxer to compete in a WBU bout, the WBU may require the boxer to obtain and provide to the WBU such medical examinations and medical test results as the WBU may deem necessary to confirm the boxer’s health and ability to compete safely. Such examinations and tests should conform to the standards promulgated from time to time by the WBU medical advisory board, and may include any health testing deemed necessary under each boxer’s unique circumstances. Boxers shall agree to release all medical records to the WBU for a period of one (1) year prior and one (1) year post fight in writing as requested by WBU. Each boxer is also deemed to have consented and, by accepting the benefits associated with their participation in the WBU, agrees to the disclosure to the WBU of all the medical information and test results so that the WBU may make a complete evaluation of all relevant facts, as well as the disclosure by the WBU to other authorities or to the public of any medical information relevant to the WBU’s decision to approve or disapprove the boxer, or to impose disciplinary sanctions in doping matters. All member boxers shall agree to release to WBU any and all requested medical reports and conditions directly or indirectly from any third party including but not limited to mental and medical doctors, commissions, management, or promoter(s). Released information shall also include pre-fight as well as post-fight drug testing.

4.3 Examination for Licensing: All boxers shall submit themselves to a complete medical examination as may be required to obtain their licenses by their respective boxing commissions or in any jurisdiction in which they will compete, in addition to such examinations as the WBU may mandate.

4.4 Responsibility of Local Commission for Enforcement: It shall be the sole responsibility of the boxing commission where a WBU contest will occur to promulgate, implement, and conduct any and all medical tests or examinations as are necessary to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of boxers, with the WBU having the option, at its own discretion, of providing its advice and consent.

4.5 Compliance Responsibilities: The responsibility for compliance with all medical requirements, standards, rules, and regulations rests with the boxers and their representatives, trainers, managers, promoters, and with the boxing commissions where the boxers reside and/or where the contests may occur. Therefore, the WBU shall have no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any consequence resulting from non-compliance by any party with these medical rules, and shall be indemnified and held harmless by all parties.

4.6 Penalties for Failure to Comply: If a boxer fails to submit to any examination or test required by these rules or ordered by the WBU, the WBU may take such actions as it deems appropriate in its sole discretion with respect to boxers, trainers, managers, promoters, etc., including but not limited to imposing fines, suspensions, removal from the ratings, revocation of challenger status and opportunities, or vacating a title.

4.7 Unsatisfactory Results or Verification: If the WBU determines in its sole discretion that a boxer is medically unfit or that the boxer’s condition to safely compete cannot be adequately verified, the WBU may remove the boxer from its ratings, suspend the boxer from competition, or revoke the boxer’s status as a challenger or champion.

4.8 Examination Protocols: Medical examinations and testing for licensing or approval of boxers should include the following examinations and tests, which may be revised from time to time by the WBU medical review board:

general: blood type, allergies, pulse, blood pressure, temperature, weight?

eyes: visual screening, acuity, fields, intraocular pressures, dilated fundoscopy?

ears: otoscopy?

mouth: pharynx, teeth?

adenopathies, lungs, heart (abdominal palpitation)?

hernia, testicles, tendon reflexes?

upper extremities and lower extremities?

skin or suppurative wounds or lesions; urinalysis?

magnetic resonance angiography to detect arterial abnormalities?

blood test (hemoglobin and hematocrit); serology?

screening for blood-borne pathogens such as HIV (performed 2-4 weeks prior to the? contest), Hepatitis B and C

electrocardiogram and echocardiogram if cardiac risk factors are present?

skull, neck and chest X-ray?

yearly testing for top 10 ranked boxers, with MRI and neuropsychological testing.?

CAT scan/PET, after defeats by KO, or when ordered by Commission doctors

a questionnaire on present and past health, recent and past injuries, as well as drugs,? alcohol and smoking habits

4.9 Risk Factors: The following risk factors should also be considered prior to approving a boxer for any bout:

any congenital or acquired neurological abnormality, including both major or minor?

epilepsy (Grand Mal or Petit Mal), migraine, or any congenital or acquired

abnormalities observed in CT or MRI scans, or in an EEG tracing

any psychological disorder such as depression, schizophrenia, or hypomania?

any pathology in the eye, including cataracts, detachments, holes or tears of the? retina, retinal hemorrhages or exudates, or any other intraocular pathology which, in the opinion of the WBU medical advisory board, would endanger a boxer’s sight or health

uncorrected visual standards of less than 6/9 in one eye and 6/18 in the other should? not be approved

blood pressure higher than 140/90 after prolonged rest?

any congenital or acquired cardiovascular disorder, or any congenital or acquired? circulatory problem

chest problems such as chronic asthma, emphysema, active tuberculosis and acute? chest infections

any acute or chronic gastrointestinal abnormalities, hernias, etc.?

any acquired or congenital genitourinary abnormalities including hematuria other? than that caused by effort, proteinuria, and active venereal infections, including HIV / AIDS

acute perforations of the eardrum, and acute sinusitis, acute or chronic infections of? the middle or inner ear, including labyrinthitis and vertigo

any severe skeletal abnormality or deformity which may impair the performance of a? boxer, such as rheumatoid or osteoarthritis, or recurrent dislocations

any infectious skin condition?

diabetes, thyroid, or other endocrinological abnormalities or diseases?

anemia, or other chronic or acute blood disorders, reticulosis, or any malignant? disease even when in remission

a positive MRA for arterial abnormalities?

the boxer’s age including whether the boxer is under the age of 18?

if the boxer is female, the possibility of pregnancy (which would disqualify the boxer? from competing)

chromosomal abnormalities?

4.10 Extensive Examinations for Boxers at Increased Risk: More extensive examinations should be made of boxers at increased risk. The increased risk category includes:

boxers 35 years of age and older?

boxers with a high number of bouts or a significant number of highly contested bouts?

boxers with poor performances, such as three consecutive losses by TKO/KO or six? consecutive losses

boxers with history of severe concussions?

boxers who have not boxed in three or more years?

Boxers with increased risk should undergo extensive examinations on an annual basis and/or prior to sparring or competing. Such examinations should include at least the following:

general physical examination?

neurological exam by a neurologist or neurosurgeon?

stress EKG and echocardiogram if cardiac risk factors are present (family history of? heart attack under the age of 50, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia)

annual MRI to provide evidence of no injury?

screen for age-related diseases?

ophthalmologic exam including dilated fundoscopy? annual neuropsychiatric testing to provide evidence of no deterioration?

The WBU may order a boxer at increased risk to undergo performance testing conducted by an impartial panel of trainers or other boxing experts appointed by the WBU.

4.11 Boxers Suffering from Detached Retinas: No boxer will be authorized to box in a WBU bout if he has had a detached retina, even following an operation to correct such detachment, unless his participation in the bout is authorized after examination by two independent ophthalmologists chosen or approved by the WBU medical advisory board.

4.12 Examination Prior to Bouts Outside Boxer’s Jurisdiction: For a boxer to travel outside his home boxing jurisdiction to participate in a WBU contest, his local boxing commission shall have sole responsibility to administer medical exams and/or tests and to certify his fitness to compete. The local medical officer should issue a certificate, preferably attached to or recorded in the boxer’s Worldwide Boxers Traveling Visa instituted by the WBU, including the following exams:

ophthalmology: vision; eye fondi; peripheral vision testing?

neurology: reflexes, Romberg, nystagmus?

weight, blood pressure, heart rate, and heart rate time recovery?

maxilar: teeth, abnormalities to prevent possible inferior maxilar fractures?

4.13 Examinations before WBU Bouts: Between four (4) to six (6) weeks before a WBU championship bout, the promoter has the responsibility to have administered, through the local commission’s medical officer or a doctor or institution approved by the WBU, examinations of both boxers in accordance with the WBU medical regulations. Such examinations should include:

weight, blood pressure, heart rate, and heart rate time recovery?

HIV test?

thorough examination, with special attention to the nervous and skeletal system?

thorough examination of the eyes with special attention to visual acuity and eye fondi? with dilated pupil examination

notation of any allergies, use of medications or other drugs, or otherwise?

blood tests for hemoglobin, serology and blood grouping?

chest X-ray, CAT scan if necessary or if not taken within the current year, and?

complete microurinalysis thorough questionnaire about his present and past health, both physical and mental?

The results of such medical examinations should be sent to the WBU Executive Office in Atlanta, Georgia, USA no later than thirty (30) days prior to the date of the bout. The local boxing commission’s medical exams will be accepted as valid at the request of the boxer, if they contain the same exams as listed above.

4.14 Safety Weigh-Ins: The final and official weigh-in of the boxers shall occur no more than thirty (30) hours prior to a WBU bout due to the possible adverse results of dehydration and subsequent rehydration of boxers to make the required weight limit for about. A second official weigh-in shall occur with the cooperation of the local commission no more than twelve (12) hours prior to the bout and no less than eight (8) hours prior to the bout in which Boxers should not exceed weight gain of no more than eight (8) pounds of weight class 140 pounds and no more than ten (10) pounds on all other weight classes except heavyweight. Further, in order to encourage safe weight loss in advance of a WBU bout, additional official safety weigh-ins are to be held thirty (30), fourteen (14), and seven (7) days prior to the official 30-hour weigh- in for non-heavyweight boxers. The boxers’ weight should be as follows:

(a) 30-day weigh-in: four (4) weeks prior to the bout, the boxers’ weight should not exceed 12% of the weight limit for the bout and should boxer not make weight he shall be fined the amount of €150 euros and reweighed within fourteen (14) days; and

(b) 14-day weigh-in: fourteen (14) days prior to the bout, the boxers’ weight should not exceed 8% of the weight limit for the bout and should boxer not make weight he shall be fined €300 euros and reweighed within forty-eight (48) hours.

(c) 7-day weigh-in: seven (7) days prior to the bout, the boxers' weight should not exceed 5% of the weight limit for the bout and should boxer not make weight he shall be fined E500 euros and reweighed within twenty-four (24) hours.

Boxers and their representatives, managers, and trainers, and promoters, and not the WBU, are solely responsible to arrange the pre-bout safety weigh-ins and medical examinations and tests required by this rule. Failure on the part of those parties to comply with this rule’s requirements may result in the WBU taking such actions as it deemed appropriate in its sole discretion including, but not limited to, imposing fines, suspensions, removal from the ratings, revocation of challenger status and opportunities, or vacating a title. In the event that a boxer exceeds any weight limitation stated above, the WBU may, for the safety of the boxer or his opponent, revoke or deny its sanction of the bout, in addition to any other disciplinary action as it shall deem appropriate in its discretion.

4.15 Extraordinary Medical Weight Measures: When necessary, the WBU may require fat tissue laboratory exams on boxers with weight issues to assess their rating in certain weight divisions, and more importantly to protect their health by not allowing their participation in bouts in weight divisions which could put their health in danger. Under no conditions shall a Boxer participate in "salt baths" in order to lose weight. Doing so may result in actions as stated in Section 4.14.

4.16 Medical Examination at Weigh-In: The local boxing commission has the responsibility to arrange for and conduct physical examinations prior to all WBU-sanctioned bouts at the weigh-in ceremony, which shall occur for all weight divisions including heavyweight. The exams shall include:

blood pressure and heart rate; stethoscope examination of heart and lungs?

thorough examination of the eyes, ears, and throat?

tests for rombergism, reflexes, power, and coordination?

direct questioning about the use of any medicines or drugs, or any artificial means for? weight reduction

direct questioning about any recent medical symptoms, including headaches, visual? disturbances, loss of concentration, general fatigue or other symptoms

The local commission medical panel and/or the WBU Supervisor(s) upon the advice of a licensed physician may arrange for the collection of blood and/or urine samples or any other exam if, in the pre-bout medical examination, signs of serious dehydration or drugs are detected or are suspected. Should a boxer NOT make weight at official weigh-in the first time he steps on official scale, he shall be fined by the WBU €500 and shall have two (2) hours to make the contracted weight. Should the boxer not make the contracted weight after the two (2) hours, at the discretion of the authorized boxing commission and the boxer who made weight, the bout may continue but the boxer who failed to make weight shall not be eligible to win the WBU title if he is the contender or he shall forfeit the title at that moment if he is the champion and only the remaining boxer shall be eligible to win or maintain the WBU championship title. The boxer who failed to make the contracted weight shall forfeit ten percent (10%) of his purse to the fighter who made the contracted weight as additional penalty separate from the WBU fine assessment.

4.17 Post-Bout Examinations: The local ringside doctors should follow the contestants back to the dressing rooms or to the anti-doping test designated area, if any, to check that both boxers are in satisfactory condition or institute any treatment or make any recommendation that may be required. The doctor(s) shall issue a written report of the post-bout examinations.

4.18 Post Knockout Examinations: In order to protect the health and welfare of boxers, a boxer who has been knocked-out should undergo a medical examination as quickly as possible after the bout. Such examinations should be conducted under the authority of local commission where the bout occurred, the boxer’s local commission, or any medical authority approved by the WBU. The following examinations should be conducted on a boxer who suffers a knockout, technical knockout, or other circumstance in which the boxer has sustained extraordinary severity of blows in a bout or in training:

a physical examination, including a complete neurological examination with? particular reference to the pupils and optic fundi;

MRI/CAT Scan;?


any other medical examination or test recommended by the WBU medical advisory? board or the attending physician, neurologist or neurosurgeon

4.19 Report of Knockouts: The local boxing commission and the manager or other representative of a knocked out boxer must immediately report the knockout to the boxer’s local commission or federation that licensed the boxer.

4.20 Rest Periods after Knockout: Boxers that suffered concussion or any other serious head trauma or injury by knockout should not participate in sparring sessions for a minimum of 45 days, and no less than 30 days after any other concussive trauma, including but not limited to knockout.

4.21 Suspension after Knockouts: A boxer suffering a knockout should be suspended for sixty (60) days. A boxer suffering two (2) consecutive knockouts should be suspended for one hundred twenty (120) days. A boxer suffering three (3) consecutive knockouts should be suspended for one hundred eighty (180) day, during which his license should be revoked and confiscated, pending special thorough medical examinations, after which other necessary medical measures might be taken.

4.22 Emergency Equipment at the Ring: The local boxing commission is responsible to ensure that emergency equipment is at the ring before commencement of the boxing program, including the following recommended measures:

a portable resuscitator or similar equipment tested to be in working order?

a stretcher under or near at the ring apron for easy availability?

ambulance parked in a secured and freely accessible place outside the boxing arena? for one (1) hour before and after the program, staffed with paramedics skilled in resuscitation

a telephone at ringside for the use of medical officers?

4.23 Medical Facilities: The local boxing commission is responsible to ensure that its medical staff has made arrangements for any injured boxer to be taken to a local hospital equipped with a trauma, accident, emergency, or neurosurgical unit, as well as a neurosurgeon on call. Further, the WBU recommends that at the boxing venue, the local boxing commission designate a room set aside for medical purposes only, which should be adequately lit, have an examination table, hot and cold running water, and a treatment trolley, and that the chief doctor and the promoter of the program be responsible for ensuring this on-site medical room has been designated and equipped to provide for an emergency.

4.24 Role of Medical Officers at WBU-Sanctioned Bouts: Although local boxing commissions are responsible for medical supervision of all boxing matches including WBU-sanctioned contests, it is the WBU’s desire and strong recommendation that the following measures be adopted in boxing matches of all kinds, and especially in WBU bouts:

(a) There should be no less than two (2) doctors present, one (1) of whom (the senior doctor) must be and remain at ringside throughout the bout, while his assistant or colleague must be ready to go to the dressing rooms should any medical emergencies arise while a bout is in progress, for example involving a boxer that has competed earlier. All doctors must be skilled in the management of an unconscious patient.

(b) Each doctor should attend the boxing event fully equipped, including sphygmomanometer, stethoscope, otoscope, ophthalmoscope, suturing material, patella hammer, an emergency airway, and a portable resuscitator in case of emergency.

(c) Doctors should visit the boxers prior to the contest to advise and ensure that no stimulant or any kind of prohibited drug is used before or during the contest.

(d) During a contest, the referee may call time out and invite the ring doctor to examine a boxer for a cut or other injury, or to evaluate the boxer’s ability to continue. During the sixty (60) second rest period, a ring doctor may also on his own initiative examine a boxer in his corner, although he should not interfere with the seconds’ work; the doctor may then advise the referee of his medical opinion as to the boxer’s injuries and ability to continue.

(e) During a fight, no prohibited hemostatics or artificial coverings should be used to stop bleeding. The only substances permitted to be used by the cornermen during a bout are water or approved electrolyte beverages, vaseline, ice, and adrenaline 1/1000, Avetine, or other WBU approved hemostatic. No liniments or other astringent lotions (which could affect wounds on boxers or a person’s) should be applied to boxers before or during the bout. The use of smelling salts, amyl nitrite, or similar substances is also not permitted.

(f) A doctor, the WBU Supervisor, or any official of the WBU or local boxing commission may instruct the referee to, or himself may, confiscate any substance suspected of being prohibited, or the referee may do so at his discretion. Any such substance should be immediately placed in the custody of the WBU or the local commission for further examination and investigation.

(g) If the senior doctor deems it necessary that a fight should be stopped because of serious damage or risk to a boxer’s health, he must immediately advise the referee. In a WBU bout, this should be done by handing the red card provided by the WBU to the referee as an indication of the doctor’s recommendation to stop the fight, provided, that the decision and authority whether to stop a fight always belongs solely to the referee.

(h) After a boxer is counted out, or a bout is stopped and the boxer fails to stand up, doctors should immediately enter the ring, with or without the referee’s call, remove the boxer’s mouthpiece if still in the boxer’s mouth, establish adequate ventilation, and attend to the boxer as necessary under the circumstances.

4.25 Investigation of Fatal Injuries: The WBU medical advisory board shall be responsible for studying fatalities of boxers, and to develop safety recommendations resulting from such studies. Factors and records to be reviewed should include:

autopsy reports?

files of medical examinations?

reports of pre-contest training and lifestyle prior to the fatal bout? nutritional history?

boxing record, knockouts received, boxing style and difficult contests during the? boxer’s life

medical file and physical record?

autopsy reports?

potential contributing factors such as any use of drugs, alcohol, etc.?

Following a bout involving a fatality, the WBU medical advisory board may be requested to prepare a report containing the conclusions of its investigation. Based upon such investigations, the WBU medical advisory board may prepare reports and make recommendations to implement additional safety measures for future contests.

4.26 All Injuries to be Reported: For the protection of boxers and to ensure that licensing and sanctioning decisions are based upon all relevant medical information and history, all injuries in boxing gyms must be reported to the local boxing commissions and the WBU prior to a boxer’s participation in any contest. Further, all injuries suffered by a boxer, whether or not related to boxing or training, must be reported to the boxing commission of his jurisdiction by the boxer and his trainers, manager, and/or personal doctor.

4.27 Manager and Trainer Education: Managers and trainers should take courses and obtain certificates of attendance at seminars and programs relating to health and safety of boxers, including programs regarding nutrition, physiology, drugs, dangerous hemostatics, diuretics, and other dangerous substances, as well as boxing rules and training programs.

4.28 WBU Referees and Judges: Referees and judges for WBU contests should pass a yearly medical examination including neurological and ophthalmological testing. Referees must have a pre-bout examination at the weigh-in for reflexes, blood pressure, heart rate, nystagmus, and a Romberg test. Ensuring that these requirements are satisfied is the responsibility of the various local boxing commissions.

Anti-doping Testing 4.29 Anti-doping Testing: The WBU shall issue each championship and elimination bout sanction on the expectation of, and reliance upon, each of the boxers, their representatives, and the local commission’s full cooperation with each other in the scheduling, administration and conduct of anti-doping testing. However, as the ultimate responsibility for coordinating, ordering, administering, and providing the anti-doping tests results fall upon other parties and not upon the WBU, under no circumstances shall the WBU or any of its agents or representatives be responsible or liable in any way for compliance with, administration of, or any actions or omissions in any way related to anti-doping testing.

4.30 Doping in Boxers: Boxers contending in any contest sanctioned by the WBU should not take, ingest, or have administered to him any substance, medicine, or drug that may enhance or reduce his performance in the ring.

4.31 Responsibilities of Local Commissions: It is the sole and exclusive responsibility and obligation of the local commission, not the WBU, to arrange for anti-doping testing, including hiring an outside qualified laboratory or arranging for a doctor(s), laboratory technician(s), or other qualified official(s) to collect the necessary samples, maintain the appropriate chain of custody and control over the samples to prevent errors or tampering, and conduct any and all anti-doping testing.

4.32 Compliance by Local Commissions: The WBU may in its discretion accept anti-doping testing by local commissions that is substantially in accordance with these guidelines, and may recognize suspensions or other penalties for anti-doping violations imposed by local commissions. Also, the WBU may in its discretion, but is not required to, conduct its own investigation and/or hearing, and reject any testing protocols, procedures and results, investigation, determination of guilt or innocence, or suspension if it finds that the local commission failed to conduct its anti-doping protocols or procedures adequately or it has failed in any way to follow the WBU Rules & Regulations or any WBU ruling. Under no circumstances, shall the WBU be in any way liable or responsible for any failure or omission by a local commission, the commission’s doctor, or the commission’s approved laboratory or agent in connection with any activities related to anti-doping testing, or for any action the WBU takes or fails to take in anti-doping matters, as the responsibility in each case is that of the local commission, the boxers and their representatives. All parties agree to release testing results to the WBU.

4.33 WBU Evaluation of Anti-doping Testing: The WBU may establish such standards and protocols as it shall determine necessary to evaluate the performance by local commissions, boxers, and their representatives in fulfilling their responsibilities in anti-doping testing.

4.34 All Drugs Should be Reported: If a boxer is taking any form of medication or other drug or substance, or has any oral or intravenous or other procedure prior to a WBU contest, he and his representatives should report that fact immediately, but not later than the rules meeting for the bout, to the WBU, the local commission, and the attending doctors.

4.35 Procedures for Administration of Anti-doping Tests: Each local commission must determine the mechanics and logistics for implementation of anti-doping tests, but the following measures are recommended:

(a) The anti-doping samples should be taken from the urine of the contending boxers immediately after the bout, at the dressing room or place designated by the doctor.

The WBU may accept testing using samples taken before the bout in its sole discretion based upon the facts and circumstances.

(b) The urine of each boxer should be placed in two (2) separate bottles perfectly clean and sterile, marked “A” and “B” or “1” and “2”, before the boxer and his representative, the doctor or official in charge, and any WBU official present. All bottles should then be sealed.

(c) All sealed bottles should be signed by the boxer or his representative and the doctor, local commissioner, or WBU official if present.

(d) The first bottle, “A” or “1”, should be used for a first test, to be performed independently by the laboratory specifically appointed by the local boxing commission or the WBU. If the test results, which should be presented within a week after the contest, are negative, the result should be reported as such and filed, and the second bottle, “B” or “2”, destroyed.

(e) If the first bottle, “A” or “1” is found positive or non-negative, the WBU should be immediately informed by the local commission or directly by the laboratory. The WBU may then immediately contact the affected boxer, or his representative, so that they may select a representative to witness a second test. The positive result of bottle “A” or “1” should be kept in strict confidence among the laboratory, the local commission, the WBU headquarters, the WBU Supervisor of the contest, and the accused boxer and his representatives.

(f) If the first bottle, “A” or “1” is found positive or non-negative, a second test of the sample “B” or “2” should then be conducted.

(g) If bottle “B” or “2” is found positive, confirming the first test, the WBU shall appoint a WBU investigating committee, whose report shall be presented to the WBU Executive Committee. The WBU may schedule and conduct a hearing in accordance with these Rules & Regulations, prior to making a final determination. The WBU may in its discretion accept anti-doping testing by local commissions that is substantially in accordance with these Rules & Regulations, and may recognize suspensions or other penalties for anti-doping violations imposed by local commissions. However, the WBU reserves the right to conduct its own testing or investigations, hold hearings, and issue its own decisions regarding the culpability of any boxer for anti-doping violations.

4.36 Prior Notification of Testing: Before each WBU bout, the local commission should inform each boxer that the boxer is to provide samples of his urine for testing immediately after each bout, and that failure or refusal to submit to such testing may result in disciplinary action, including, without limitation, disqualification, suspension or a fine.

4.37 Failure to Take Anti-doping Tests: If a boxer, after receiving the local commission’s request, fails or refuses to submit to anti-doping testing being performed by the applicable local commission, he may be disqualified, fined, or suspended as the WBU may determine in its discretion.

4.38 Prohibited Substances and Procedures: No boxer should take substances or undertake procedures that may unfairly affect his performance, the outcome of the contest or threaten the safety of either boxer. The WBU medical advisory board may from time to time promulgate categories and lists of prohibited drugs and procedures, which should include, but not be limited to, the following:

(a) Classes of Prohibited Substances:

stimulants (amphetamine, fencamfamine, cocaine, etc.)?

diuretics (furosemide, thiazide, etc.)?

steroids or other performance enhancing drugs as may be prohibited by the WBU?

narcotic analgesics (heroine, morphine, etc.)?

sedative hypnotics (barbiturates, phenobarbital, secobarbital, etc.)?

hallucinogens (marijuana, LSD, mescaline, etc.)?

(b) Banned Procedures:

infusions of blood, red blood cells, or plasma expanders?

alterations in the integrity and validity of urine (substitution of urine provided in? testing or the use of masking agents such as probenecid)

For the avoidance of doubt, since issues may arise as to whether or not:

(i) a boxer’s exposure to prohibited substances was intentional; (ii) such substance(s) provided the boxer with an advantage;

(iii) the testing procedure was reliable;

(iv) other factors should be considered; therefore the WBU does not employ or adhere to a “strict liability” standard in anti-doping matters. In each case, the WBU may in its discretion consider all factors in making a determination regarding responsibility, relative fault, and penalties, if any.

4.39 Sanctions for Anti-Doping Violations: A boxer who has been found to have tested positive for banned substances or otherwise found to have engaged in prohibited procedures under these rules shall be subject to such penalties or treatment as the WBU may determine appropriate in its sole discretion. Such measures may include but are not limited to disqualification in the contest, a fine up to the amount of the boxer’s purse, imposition of medical treatment and further testing or investigation, suspension and removal from the ratings of up to one (1) year, and vacating the boxer’s status as a champion or challenger.

4.40 Vacating of Status: In addition to any other measures that may be imposed in accordance with the preceding rule, the WBU may, but is never required to, vacate a boxer’s status for violations of these anti-doping guidelines in WBU title and elimination contests as follows:

(a) In a title bout, if the champion retains his title and is later found to have violated these anti-doping guidelines, the WBU may declare the title vacant. The WBU may then order any bout(s) or take such other action to fill the vacant title as it may determine in its sole discretion.

(b) In a title bout, if the challenger wins and is later found to have violated these anti- doping guidelines, the WBU may declare the title vacant. The WBU may then order any bout(s) or take such other action to fill the vacant title as it may determine in its sole discretion.

(c) In a title bout, if the challenger loses and is later found to have violated these anti- doping guidelines, the WBU may suspend the boxer for up to one (1) year from any WBU bout and from the WBU ratings.

(d) In a title bout, if both boxers are later found to have violated these anti-doping guidelines, the WBU may declare the title vacant and order any bout(s) to fill the vacant title in its discretion, and the WBU may suspend either boxer for up to one (1) year from any WBU bout and from the WBU ratings.

(e) In an elimination contest, if the winner is later found to have violated these anti- doping guidelines, the WBU may remove the boxer’s status as a challenger and order any other contest(s) at its discretion to select a mandatory challenger or take such other action as it may determine in its sole discretion.

4.41 Rehabilitation: In accordance with these rules, in addition to or in lieu of suspension, the WBU may require any boxer found to have violated these anti-doping guidelines to undergo counseling, medical or rehabilitation treatment or obtain a medical certification that the boxer is free of prohibited substances or procedures. The WBU also reserves the right to accept the results of random anti-doping tests by a local commission or agreed to by a boxer with respect to including the boxer in its ratings or approving the boxer to compete in any WBU bout.


5.1 Exclusivity of Remedies: Any boxer, promoter, manager, or other person or entity that participates in the activities or events of the WBU, does business with the WBU, or who claim any right or privilege arising from the WBU Constitution or these Rules & Regulations, agrees that their sole and exclusive remedies are the administrative remedies and the dispute resolution procedures provided for herein.

5.2 Administrative Remedies: Any grievance, claim, complaint, or protest against the WBU, or any controversy, appeal, or dispute concerning the WBU or any WBU contest, ruling, order, or action, or arising under the WBU Constitution, these Rules & Regulations, or any WBU ruling must first be presented to the WBU in writing, in which the claimant must clearly state that they are submitting the claim under the WBU’s claim and appeal procedures. To be recognized and valid, any such grievance, claim, complaint, or protest must be submitted to the WBU President in writing by the aggrieved party or his authorized representative within fifteen (15) calendar days after the claim first arose. Each such claim, complaint, or protest must also be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of USD$1,000.00 to cover the initial costs and expenses of the WBU relating to the processing of any such grievance, claim, complaint, or protest. The WBU may in its sole discretion grant a waiver of all or a portion of such fee, but no such waiver shall apply unless it is granted in writing by the WBU and received by the protesting party. In the event of substantial additional costs relating to the controversy, including but not limited to attorney’s fees or related costs and expenses, the WBU is also entitled to reimbursement from the petitioning party of all such additional related costs and expenses. Failure to comply with the filing requirements set forth herein shall result in the grievance, claim, complaint or protest being deemed invalid, and render the matter closed and no longer subject to further appeal.

Upon receiving a properly filed and recognized claim, the President, in his discretion, may attempt to facilitate the resolution of the claim, or may refer the matter to either the WBU Grievance and Appeals Committee or its Executive Committee. The current WBU Executive Committee currently consists of Don "Moose" Lewis - Chairman of the Board and Walter Roy Poole III - President.

The WBU may institute such policies and procedures as it may deem appropriate from time to time for the administration and processing of any recognized claim. In general, the WBU-appointed representative(s) addressing such a claim will first investigate the claim, seek such additional information as may be required, hold hearings (telephonic or in- person) if necessary, and then issue a decision to accept or reject the claim in whole or in part. The President or his designee(s) may notify all interested parties in writing of the decision of the WBU, which notification shall indicate exhaustion of the administrative remedies set forth in this Rule 5.2. In the event that the complainant remains unsatisfied with the WBU’s decision following these administrative remedies, the complainant must then seek compulsory mediation under Rule 5.3 hereof. Failure to timely seek compulsory mediation under Rule 5.3 hereof shall automatically terminate the claim and the claimant shall have no further rights to appeal. No party may invoke or seek remedies under Rule 5.3 or Rule 5.4 without first complying with, and seeking, and providing the WBU the opportunity to provide, administrative relief under this Rule 5.2.

5.3 Compulsory Mediation: Any open, unresolved claim, controversy, or dispute involving the WBU must be submitted to non-binding mediation in accordance with the following procedures within thirty (30) days after exhaustion of remedies under the administrative procedures outlined in Rule 5.2. The mediation process shall be as follows:

(a) The parties must make best efforts in good faith to attempt to select a mediator mutually acceptable to both parties.

(b) If the parties are unable to agree on a mediator, each party shall nominate two (2) qualified candidates from the List of Mediators of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (“CAS”). The CAS shall then select a mediator at random from the four (4) CAS candidates selected by the parties.

(c) The mediation shall be conducted in accordance with procedures prescribed by the selected mediator and at a convenient location designated by the mediator. The mediator’s expenses shall be shared equally by the parties to the mediation.

(d) The mediation shall be conducted within thirty (30) days of the selection of the mediator, absent special circumstances.

(e) The parties to the mediation must agree to mediate in good faith in a meaningful attempt to resolve the controversy, claim, or dispute, with a party or party’s representative(s) duly authorized to resolve the matter being present and/or available at the mediation.

While the mediator selected may be a CAS mediator, the mediation shall be governed by these WBU Rules & Regulations, and not the CAS Mediation Rules (including with respect to disputes related to disciplinary matters, such as doping issues (including compliance or non-compliance with anti-doping testing), match-fixing and corruption, for which WBU mediation is mandatory), absent express prior written mutual consent of the parties to permit the CAS Mediation Rules to be controlling.

In the event that the complainant remains unsatisfied with the resolution of his claim following compulsory mediation under this rule, the complainant must then seek mandatory arbitration under Rule 5.4 hereof. Failure to timely seek compulsory mediation under Rule 5.4 hereof shall automatically terminate the claim and the claimant shall have no further rights to appeal, with the matter deemed closed. No party may invoke or seek remedies under Rule 5.4 without first seeking, and providing the WBU the opportunity to provide, administrative relief under Rule 5.2 or compulsory mediation under this Rule 5.3.

5.4 Mandatory Arbitration: Any claim, controversy, or dispute that the parties have been unable to resolve pursuant to the procedures provided for in Rules 5.2 and 5.3 hereof must then be submitted to mandatory arbitration in accordance with the following procedures within thirty (30) days after exhaustion of remedies under the administrative procedures outlined in Rule 5.2 and compulsory mediation under the procedures outlined in Rule 5.3. Each such claim must thereby be settled exclusively by mandatory arbitration before the Court of Arbitration for Sport (“CAS”), pursuant to the Code of Sports-Related Arbitration. All elements relating to the relationship of the parties, any and all rulings in a division, the conduct of any bout or any ruling relating thereto, and any such dispute arising thereunder shall be governed by and, construed in accordance with the internal laws of Switzerland, without regard to any conflicts of law principles thereof that would result in the application of the laws of any other jurisdiction, provided, however, that notwithstanding such choice of law for purposes of dispute resolution or anything herein or otherwise to the contrary, the communications of the WBU and any other party with its external or in-house counsel shall at all times be protected by absolute attorney-client privilege and absolute protection under the attorney work product doctrine, and all parties, including the WBU and all those doing business with the WBU, expressly agree not to challenge the assertion of attorney-client privilege, the attorney work product doctrine, or any other recognized privilege, protection, or doctrine under applicable law, by another party in any matter.

By participating in any bout, promotion, or any other business dealings involving the WBU’s exclusive trademarks, likeness and any other intellectual property, each champion, challenger, and all other parties agree and are expressly deemed to have agreed to be, subject to these Rules & Regulations, the WBU Constitution and any WBU rulings, including specifically that these provisions concerning alternatives to dispute resolution are an essential part of the WBU Rules & Regulations. All such parties also thereby agree and are deemed to have agreed that with respect to any past, present, or future disputes arising out of any dealings with the WBU, whether based in tort, contract, or statutory law of any jurisdiction, the arbitrator or arbitrators selected in accordance with these Rules & Regulations, and not any federal, state, provincial, territorial, or local court or agency, shall have exclusive authority to resolve any dispute relating to the interpretation, applicability, enforceability, or formation of this agreement or these Rules & Regulations, including but not limited to any claim that all or any part of such agreement or these Rules & Regulations is void or voidable.

5.5 Waiver: Any person having a claim against the WBU expressly waives any and all proceedings, relief, remedies and courses of action other than those expressly provided for in this Article 5.

5.6 Indemnification: All parties expressly agree that, by doing business with the WBU, they shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the WBU, any and all affiliated federations and committees, and all officers, members of the Executive Committee, representatives, attorneys, employees, and any individual or organization duly authorized to act on behalf of the WBU (each, a “WBU Indemnified Party”) thereof against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities, penalties, actions, judgments, suits, costs, expenses, and disbursements (including the reasonable and actual fees, charges and disbursements of any counsel for any WBU Indemnified Party, incurred by any WBU Indemnified Party or asserted against any WBU Indemnified Party by any third party or by any person arising out of the actions of such WBU Indemnified Party or any actual or prospective claim, litigation, investigation or proceeding, whether based on contract, tort or any other theory, whether brought by a third party or by any person directly, and regardless of whether any WBU Indemnified Party is a party thereto, AND INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WITH RESPECT TO ANY ACTION OR INACTION ARISING FROM ANY WBU INDEMNIFIED PARTY’S NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY, such that no WBU Indemnified Party shall be held liable for or not be defended and indemnified for any action taken in good faith and not directly resulting from gross negligence or willful misconduct of such WBU Indemnified Party, as determined by the CAS or any other court of competent jurisdiction by final and non-appealable judgment or ruling. In order to attempt to hold the WBU liable for gross negligence or willful misconduct, or under any other theory of liability or damages, the complainant must prove their case by the standards of proof and law applied by the CAS. Under any circumstances, should the WBU be found liable to any party, by doing business with the WBU all parties expressly agree that their sole and exclusive monetary remedy that may be recoverable from the WBU is limited to a maximum (but not a minimum) of sanction fees paid to the WBU relating to the last contest that gave rise to their claim against the WBU. All parties including boxers doing business with or otherwise associated with the WBU expressly waive any and all claims for special, indirect, consequential or punitive damages (as opposed to direct or compensatory damages) in connection with any claim against the WBU or any other WBU Indemnified Party. In no event shall the WBU be liable to for punitive, consequential, direct, or indirect damages, including, but not limited to, lost profits, loss of earning capacity, loss of use of money, loss of opportunity, delay, interest or attorney fees, directly or indirectly related to any act or omission of the WBU, its employees, officers, affiliated Federations, Governors, or agents.

5.7 Reimbursement of WBU’s Costs and Expenses: In the event of any grievance, claim, complaint, or protest against the WBU, and the WBU, the CAS, or any other authority determines that a party has failed to comply with the Rules & Regulations, Constitution, standards, or rulings of the WBU, then such party shall promptly reimburse the WBU for any and all potential and actual damages, liabilities, costs, and reasonable expenses (including, without limitation, legal fees and expenses, in addition to the initial $2,500 fee provided for in Rule 5.1) incurred by the WBU or any related party in connection with any legal, arbitral, or administrative proceedings or otherwise. Further, in the event that the WBU grants a special bout sanction or utilizes its authority to interpret these rules in the best interests of boxing to grant any other exception to its rules of general application based upon special circumstances, then the party that has requested or benefitted from such sanction or exemption shall be deemed to agree, and by doing business with the WBU expressly hereby agrees, to defend, indemnify, hold harmless, and otherwise reimburse each WBU Indemnified Party for any and all potential and actual damages, liabilities, costs, or other expenses related thereto (including, without limitation, legal fees and expenses) incurred by the WBU as a result relating to any resulting dispute, mediation, arbitration, or other related litigation or otherwise.

5.8 Waiver of Claims: Any party (boxer, manager, promoter, agent, or other party in interest) that accepts, participates in, or benefits from any voluntary or mandatory bout, or who receives any other rating or status granted by the WBU following any protest or dispute shall be hereby deemed to have waived and settled all prior claims.

Disciplinary Rules 5.9 WBU Power and Authority in Disciplinary Matters: The WBU has the power and authority to impose disciplinary sanctions on any person or organization that violates any of the Constitution, Rules & Regulations, Championship Rules, or any ruling of the WBU. The procedure of the WBU in disciplinary matters shall be as follows:

(a) Any party may file with the WBU written charges regarding any violation of the WBU Constitution or rules, or the WBU may independently take notice of and act upon any such violation.

(b)Violations may include, but are not limited to, the following:

i. Failing to comply with any rule pertaining to any dealings with the WBU;

ii. Intentional fouls or unsportsmanlike behavior in the ring or relating to a contest;

iii. Violation of anti-doping or other safety measures imposed by the WBU; or

iv. Slurring, insulting, or bringing disrepute to the WBU or the sport of boxing.

(c) Upon recognition of any potential rule violation, the WBU President may refer the matter to the WBU Disciplinary and Appeals Committee or appoint one or more WBU representatives to investigate and review the matter. After investigation, the Committee or representative(s) may recommend the imposition of penalties in accordance with this rule. Alternatively, the WBU President may intervene directly in accordance with his power and authority to act in the best interests of boxing.

(d) In cases of clear violations, the WBU may issue its decision following its investigation of the facts and examination of the relevant rules. In other circumstances, the WBU may hold hearings, request statements from the accused, or institute any such other procedure as it may deem appropriate under the circumstances. However, the WBU is not required to institute any particular process, as an aggrieved party will retain the right to an administrative appeal in accordance with Rule 5.2.

(e) The WBU’s decision may include the imposition of penalties including fines and suspension or expulsion from any involvement in WBU bouts, ratings, or vacating a championship or challenger status when appropriate.

ARTICLE VI - RATINGS 6.1 WBU Ratings Committee: The WBU will maintain a Ratings Committee consisting of one or more chairmen and one or more officers from each of the continental federations as available to serve. The Ratings Committee shall consist of members of absolute integrity, who shall be subject to the WBU Code of Ethics. The current WBU Ratings Committee consists of Chairman of the Board Don "Moose" Lewis and President Walter Roy Poole III. The business address for WBU Chairman Don "Moose" Lewis is 4175 Roswell Road NE, Atlanta, Georgia, USA and the business address for President Walter Roy Poole III is 3916 Arendell Street, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557.

6.2 Reports and Recommendations: The members of the Committee will take notice of reports of boxing matches from around the world, reports from boxing commissions, the regional federations, and the WBU, and shall provide information and extend recommendations to the Committee Secretary and Chairman regularly.

6.3 Ratings Procedures: The Ratings Committee shall compile and publish ratings, typically on a monthly basis. The decisions of the Ratings Committee shall be based upon consensus of the committee. Once a year at the WBU Convention, the Ratings Committee shall submit to the Executive Committee its current ratings for final approval.

6.4 Ratings Principles: The WBU’s ratings principles are as follows:

(a) The purpose of ratings is to determine eligible contenders to participate in elimination bouts and to challenge for WBU championships.

(b)Ratings are and may be largely subjective.

(c)Ratings are based primarily on merit, loyalty to the WBU, and desire to contest for WBU titles.

(d)Ten (10) boxers will be rated in each division in the world ratings as well as in each title division.

(e) World champions of WBA, IBF, WBO, IBU, and WAA will be listed in each division as champions of their organization but shall not be specifically numerically rated.

(f) Any boxer committed to box for another organization may be placed in the “Not Available” section of the ratings and may not be specifically numerically rated.

(g) Any boxer that may have an impediment to compete may be placed in the Not Available section of the ratings and may not be specifically numerically rated.

(h) WBU federation and committee champions will be identified by their corresponding abbreviations.

(i) It shall be the responsibility of all boxers and their representatives to advise the WBU of their boxing activity.

6.5 Ratings Eligibility:

(a) To be eligible to appear in the WBU ratings, a boxer should:

i. have defeated or drawn with a rated boxer;

ii. be an Olympic medalist or have won important amateur tournaments;

iii. had a successful career in Muay Thai or other combat sports; or

iv. By special circumstance, be recommended by an affiliated federation.

v. Deemed worthy by the WBU Ratings Committee.

(b) WBU InterNational and InterContinental champions will be listed and are eligible to challenge for WBU World titles.

(c) In order to maintain a top 10 rating, a boxer should have competed against another rated boxer, which may include those rated in the top 15 of other world organizations recognized by the WBU, within the 18-month period from the time the boxer was so rated.

(d) To be rated in one of the top 10 positions, a boxer should have competed in at least one 8 round bout.

(e) To maintain a rating, a boxer should compete against another rated boxer within 18 months from the time the boxer was rated.

6.6 Ratings Criteria: Boxers shall be evaluated for the WBU ratings based upon the following factors:

(a) Record.

(b) Activity.

(c) Result and quality of performance in recent bouts.

(d) Level of competition.

(e) Significance of bouts.

(f) Experience in championship or elimination bouts.

(g) Accomplishments and record in amateur boxing, or in Muay Thai or other combat sports.

(h) Competing at home or abroad.

(i) Decisiveness of victories.

(j) Style.

(k) Losses in controversial decisions.

(l) Desire

6.7 Ratings Consequences of Inactivity: The following circumstances may permit exclusion from the WBU ratings, as follows:

(a) A rated boxer who does not compete in 9 months will be subject to being lowered in the rankings.

(b) A rated boxer who does not compete in 12 months will be subject to being removed from the ratings absent special circumstances.

(c) A boxer’s periods of inactivity due to legitimate medical, legal, and other extenuating circumstances will be considered. The WBU Ratings Committee may either continue to rate an affected boxer, or may exclude such a boxer under subsections (a) and (b) hereof, based upon the boxer’s unique facts and circumstances.

(d) A boxer may also be excluded from the ratings if any of the following occurs:

(i) The boxer is convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude or the possession or consumption of any illegal substance.

(ii) The boxer is suspended indefinitely by a local commission, affiliated federation, or the WBU.

(iii)The boxer resides in a country in which apartheid is official policy.

(iv) For other extenuating circumstances.

6.8 “Not Available” Ratings Section: A boxer may be listed in the “Not Available” section of the WBU Ratings if the boxer:

(a) is committed or chooses to box for another organization.

(b) is medically unfit or has not been medically cleared to compete.

(c) has a legal issue or contractual impediment.

(d)is subject to other extenuating circumstances.

6.9 Website Posting: The WBU shall publish and maintain its ratings on the WBU website www.WBUboxing.org The WBU shall endeavor to provide written explanations of changes in the top ten (10) positions within seven (7) days of publication of the ratings.

6.10 Ratings Appeals: The WBU shall maintain a Ratings Appeals Committee for the purpose of addressing any appeal regarding a boxer’s rating. If in accordance with the WBU’s ratings appeals process a boxer or boxer’s representative wishes to make inquiry, protest, or appeal a boxer’s rating, all such requests shall be directed to the WBU Ratings Appeals Committee, care of the WBU Executive Offices. The ratings appeals process is as follows:

(a) A boxer in the top ten (10) in the current or previous WBU world ratings may ask for an explanation of, protest, or appeal his rating, by a written request clearly stating that it is a ratings inquiry, protest, or appeal directed to the WBU Ratings Appeal Committee.

(b) The WBU Rating Appeals Committee and/or other WBU officials will review the matter and will within the following seven (7) days provide a preliminary response, which may include altering the boxer’s rating. Thereafter, the WBU will further review the boxer’s rating and shall either confirm or alter the boxer’s rating in the next ratings published by the WBU.

(c) Any further action by the appellant must be in accordance with Article V of these Public Disclosures.


7.1 Bout Sanction Fees: The following fees are established in conjunction with all male world title and world title elimination bouts sanctioned by the WBU, subject to modification by a majority voting of the Executive Committee.

(a) Promoter’s Bout Fee. For each bout as set forth, the promoter must pay:

All references in this rule to bout purses refer to total combined gross purses of both boxers participating in and which the promoter must have paid his annual registration fee of €1000 euros in order to promote a WBU sanctioned bout. A deduction of €300 euros from the annual registration fee is applicable if payment is made after August 31 of each year. Any past due sanction and supervisor fees due by promoter after the title fight shall be due immediately along with a E1000 fine with approval of the WBU Executive Committee for such action.

((b) Boxers’ Bout Fees. For each WBU championship and elimination contest, each participating boxer must be members in good standing with WBU. No percentage of boxer purses shall be deducted by the WBU for bout fees other than unpaid fines assessed prior or following the contest.

The gross amount upon which the sanction fee is based includes all sums of money paid from all national or international sources, is not limited to guaranteed amounts or minimum amounts stated in bout contracts, and includes sums retained by the promoter(s) as his (their) promotional fees, as well as any amounts payable by the boxer to his manager, trainers, or any other party.

The following fees are established in conjunction with all bouts sanctioned by the WBU, subject to modification by a majority voting of the Executive Committee. a) Promoter’s Championship Bout Fees: **please be aware that the WBU does NOT receive a percentage of purses of fighters**

WORLD YOUTH- CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE (under 26 years of age) FIGHT SANCTIONING FEE €1500 BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs but a deposit of E750 is required, SUPERVISOR FEE € 500 plus W.B.U. COMMISSIONER'S EXPENSES (includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals) total €2000

WORLD NOVICE CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE (10 fights or less) FIGHT SANCTIONING FEE E2750 BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs but a deposit of E750 is required, SUPERVISOR FEE E500 plus W.B.U. COMMISSIONER'S EXPENSES (includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals) total E3250

STATE TITLE (example: Georgia or Tennessee or California) FIGHT SANCTIONING FEE E1350 BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs but a deposit of E750 is required. SUPERVISOR FEE E350 plus W.B.U. COMMISSIONER'S EXPENSES (includes travel/lodging/transportation/meals) total E1700


COUNTRY TITLE (example: USBF or Nigeria or Ireland ) FIGHT SANCTIONING FEE € 2250 BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs but a deposit of E750 is required, SUPERVISOR FEE € 500 plus W.B.U. COMMISSIONER'S EXPENSES (includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals) total €2750

REGIONAL TITLE (example: Midwest or Atlantic Coast) FIGHT SANCTIONING FEE €1850 BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs but a deposit of E750 is required, SUPERVISOR FEE € 500 plus W.B.U. COMMISSIONER'S EXPENSES (includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals) total €2350

ENGLISH, SCOTTISH, WELSH, TRAVELER, or NATIVE FIGHT SANCTIONING FEE e2250 BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs but a deposit of e750 is required. SUPERVISOR FEE e500 plus W.B.U. COMMISSIONER'S EXPENSES ( includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals) total e2750


NORTH AMERICAN BOXING COUNCIL (NABC) TITLE FIGHT SANCTIONING FEE €3000 BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs but a deposit of E750 is required, SUPERVISOR FEE € 500 plus W.B.U. COMMISSIONER'S EXPENSES (includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals) total €3500

CANADA-AMERICA-MEXICO (C.A.M.) SANCTIONING FEE E3250 BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs but a deposit of E750 is required, SUPERVISOR FEE E500 plus W.B.U. COMMISSIONER'S EXPENSES (includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals) total E3750


EUROPEAN (E.B.O.) TITLE FIGHT SANCTIONING FEE €3650 BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs but a deposit of E750 is required, SUPERVISOR FEE € 500 plus W.B.U. COMMISSIONER'S EXPENSES (includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals) total €4150

AMERICAS TITLE FIGHT SANCTIONING FEE €4000 BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs but a deposit of E750 is required, SUPERVISOR FEE € 500 plus W.B.U. COMMISSIONER'S EXPENSES (includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals) total €4500

INTER-CONTINENTAL TITLE FIGHT SANCTIONING FEE €4500 BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs SUPERVISOR FEE € 500 plus W.B.U. COMMISSIONER'S EXPENSES (includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals) total €5000

INTER-NATIONAL TITLE FIGHT SANCTIONING FEE €5000 BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs but a deposit of E750 is required, SUPERVISOR FEE € 600 plus W.B.U. COMMISSIONER'S EXPENSES (includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals) total €5600

INTERIM WORLD TITLE FIGHT SANCTIONING FEE €5500 BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs but a deposit of E750 is required, SUPERVISOR FEE € 750 plus W.B.U. COMMISSIONER'S EXPENSES (includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals) total €6250

SILVER WORLD TITLE FIGHT SANCTIONING FEE €6000 BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs but a deposit of E750 is required, SUPERVISOR FEE € 850 plus W.B.U. COMMISSIONER'S EXPENSES (includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals) total €6850

• World title Elimination fights PLUS above expenses .............................€ 5250

***fees below are in "euros €"***

WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TOTAL PURSES up to €50000 euros FIGHT SANCTIONING FEE €7000 BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs but a deposit of E750 is required, SUPERVISOR FEE €1000 euros plus W.B.U. COMMISSIONER'S EXPENSES (includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals) total €8000 euros

WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TOTAL PURSES of €50001 euros to €100000 euros FIGHT SANCTIONING FEE €8500 euros BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs but a deposit of E750 is required, SUPERVISOR FEE €1500 euros plus W.B.U. COMMISSIONER'S EXPENSES (includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals) total €10000 euros

WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TOTAL PURSES of €100001 euros to €150000 euros FIGHT SANCTIONING FEE €10000 euros BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs but a deposit of E750 is required, SUPERVISOR FEE €1500euros plus W.B.U. COMMISSIONER'S EXPENSES (includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals) total €11500 euros

WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TOTAL PURSES of €150001 euros to €250000 euros FIGHT SANCTIONING FEE €12500 euros BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs but a deposit of E750 is required, SUPERVISOR FEE €2000 euros plus W.B.U. COMMISSIONER'S EXPENSES (includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals) total €14500 euros

WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TOTAL PURSES of €250001 euros to €1000000 euros FIGHT SANCTIONING FEE €15000 euros BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs but a deposit of E750 is required, SUPERVISOR FEE €2500 euros plus W.B.U. COMMISSIONER'S EXPENSES (includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals) total €17500

WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TOTAL PURSES over €1000000 euros FIGHT SANCTIONING FEE €19500 euros BELT -provided for promotional use at no additional costs but a deposit of E750 is required, SUPERVISOR FEE €3000 euros plus W.B.U. COMMISSIONER'S EXPENSES (includes Air Fare/lodging/transportation/meals) total €22500 euros NOTE:

Should an WBU Official be requested to appear on behalf of Promoter and/or Boxer prior to the week of the championship fight, in addition to all travel and hotel related expenses, additional fees will be due as follows in "Euros": President of WBU: €1000 euros per day Alternate Official of WBU: €450 euros per day. International events outside the USA utilizing USA Supervisor, the Supervisor fee increases to E1000.

WBU sanction fees to increase by fifty percent (50%) should the WBU championship title fight be broadcast live or tape delay in any manner.

Boxers’ hospitalization and life insurance: €1500 euros or promoter may provide proof of insurance also naming WBU as a party of policy

Ring Officials’ Fees (minimum subject to local commission)

Total Purse- Referees Judges

Up to €100000 euros € 400 euros € 300 euros

From €100001 euros to €250000 euros € 750 euros € 500 euros

From €250001 euros to €1000000 euros €1250 euros €900 euros

From €1000001 euros and over €2000 euros €1500 euros

WBU Supervisor’s non-accountable incidental expenses (in addition to all out-of-pocket expenses): €1000 euros

Current and applicable WBU Membership/License annual fees:

Promoter............€1000 Booking Agent........... €250 Physician.............€300

Judge……..........€400 Boxer......................... €500 Photographer........ €100

Referee.............. €350 Manager.................... €300 Second...................€150

Attorney............. €350 Trainer....................... €250 General Member....€100

Matchmaker....... €300 Announcer................. €150 Advisor......................€300

**WBU does NOT assess sanction fee on boxers-only yearly membership fee**

Sanction fees per Rules 7.1(a) and (b), and all expenses incurred per Rule 7.1(c) remain payable by promoters and boxers, even if one or both boxers in the contest fail to make the required weight, as the promotion will have benefitted from the marketing value brought to the bout as a result of it being a WBU-sanctioned contest, and because the event was promoted using the WBU’s exclusive and proprietary trademarks and other intellectual property.

The WBU may also enter into arrangements with any third party that is not a promoter, boxer, manager or other representative of a boxer, by which the WBU may license its exclusive trademarks and other intellectual property, or provide other goods or services, for such sanction fees or other compensation as the WBU and such third party may agree, in connection with the promotion of boxing or otherwise.

7.2 Payment Procedures and Obligations of Promoters: Upon request of the WBU, the promoter of a WBU bout is hereby obligated as follows:

(a) On or before fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the day of the bout, the promoter shall deposit with the local commission fifty percent (50%) of the combined compensation payable to the boxers. The amount of such deposit shall not be required to exceed €100000 euros.

(b) If, as described in Rule 7.1(b), the promoter pays any compensation to either boxer after the bout, then WBU shall be a witness to the transaction.

(c) The promoter is the party ultimately liable to the WBU for payment of all fees outlined in Rule 7.

(d) The WBU reserves the right to require documentation from promoters or boxers in order to certify and establish the total compensation to boxers in any bout upon which sanction fees are calculated and assessed pursuant to Rule 7.3. All promoters and boxers explicitly consent to disclosure by third parties of any such agreements upon request by the WBU. Copies of bout agreements for WBU championship title fights shall be forwarded to WBU upon signing of each boxer.

(f) All sanction fees shall be completely tax free to the WBU, and it shall be the responsibility of the promoter of the bout to pay, by withholding additional sums from the purses of the boxers, all such local, state, or national tax liabilities, if any, imposed by the country, state, or locality where the bout takes place, and to hold the WBU harmless from same.

(g) If a visiting boxer will be taxed in his home country, the promoter has the sole obligation to arrange for issuance of a certified tax receipt or certificate, or any other necessary and requested document from the national or local tax authority where the bout takes place for representation as a credit to the tax authority in the boxer's home country.

7.3 Payment Procedures and Obligations of Boxers: Any boxer participation in any WBU bout is hereby obligated as follows:

(a) All boxers must accept the deduction of the WBU boxer applicable fees or fines from their respective purses. Each boxer is deemed to expressly agree to authorize and permit the promoter of any WBU contest to withhold from gross amounts payable to the boxer, and to pay over to the WBU, all amounts payable by the boxer under these Rules & Regulations. No bout shall be sanctioned as a WBU contest unless the applicable boxers’ fees and fines are agreed to and paid to the WBU in accordance with these Rules & Regulations.

(b) In the event that a WBU champion competes in any bout in which his WBU title is not at stake, the champion is obligated to pay to the WBU fifty percent (50%) of the WBU sanction fee payable as if the bout were a title defense, in view of the market value brought to the bout as a result of his standing attained as a WBU champion. This request can only be granted after the two (2) mandatory defenses are met and must be granted in writing by the President of WBU or his designated appointee.


All parties involved in reaching an agreement as to a WBU contest, shall sign an agreement stating their full acceptance and covenant to abide by the Constitution, Rules & Regulations, Championship Rules, and all rulings of the WBU.

Regardless of whether or not such document has been executed and returned to the WBU, all boxers, managers, promoters, trainers, and all other parties transacting business with the WBU are deemed to and expressly hereby agree to be bound by and comply with the Constitution, Rules & Regulations, Championship Rules, and all rulings of the WBU in all matters pertaining to the conduct of such business, in order to participate in any dealings with the WBU. The expression of any party of a lack of knowledge of the WBU Constitution, Rules & Regulations, or Championship rules will not be a cause for any exception in regard to this rule. The WBU Constitution, Rules & Regulations, and Championship Rules, and the forms of Boxers and Promoters Agreements are available on the WBU website on the Internet. Upon request to the WBU Executive Offices, a copy of the WBU Constitution, Rules & Regulations, and Championship Rules will be furnished.


The WBU President may at anytime at his sole discretion override any action or decision of the WBU Championship Ratings Committee or WBU Executive Committee should he feel that the Executive Order is in the best interest of the WBU and its stockholders.



These Rules & Regulations may be amended by a majority vote of the WBU Executive Committee. The proposal for amendment shall be submitted to the voting members of the WBU Executive Committee at an annual convention or by any alternate procedures designated by the WBU.



Constitution and By-Laws


Any person involved in WBU sanctioned professional boxing should:

I. Place loyalty, fairness, and integrity as the highest moral principles, and the sport of boxing above the interests of any person or group.

II. Always protect the health and well-being of boxers.

III. Reject any compromise that goes against justice and fairness in the ring, in the offices, and in the gym.

IV. Expose corruption all wherever discovered.

V. Always oppose discrimination on the basis of race, nationality, and religion, and act forcefully to counteract it.

VI. Uphold the constitution, laws, and regulations of all countries and governmental agencies affiliated with or that work with the World Boxing Union and never be a party to their unscrupulous or illegal acts.

VII. Uphold and respect the Constitution, Rules & Regulations, principles, and principals of the WBU at all times.

VIII. Never – whether you are a boxer, manager, promoter, trainer, matchmaker, official, commissioner, or any member of the WBU – use the communications media to slur, slander, libel, or otherwise defame, humiliate, or insult other members of the boxing community and thereby damage the sport itself, but instead use it to expose respectfully and professionally, the actions by persons who unfairly harm inflict harm unto the sport.

IX. Give and devote best efforts to our sport as expected and deserved by the public, and expect the same from promoters, managers, boxers, and all the people of boxing.

X. Refrain from unethical behavior that may bring disgrace to many people involved in the sport as well as the sport itself.

XI. Never seek monetary profit at the expense or to the detriment of the boxers, who should always be fairly compensated and respected for their efforts.

XII. Pursue absolute equality for the people of boxing by always respecting the rights of others, disregarding wealth or power as influencing factors on any decisions.

XIII. Never use misrepresentations or other means to deceive others, but instead always present the facts and the truth in goodwill to solve problems.

XIV. Never engage in business or activities that might constitute extortion, create a conflict of interest, or present an unfair restriction of competition.

XV. Boxers should always behave as good sportsmen in and out the ring, in public statements, and in attitude towards all members of the public, the boxing community, and media.

XVI. Boxers should always shake hands before the commencement of the contest and touch gloves at the beginning of the final round, always showing respect for their opponents before and after the contest.

XVII. Subject only to valid protest in accordance with this Constitution and the WBU Rules & Regulations, all decisions of the referee and judges as final.




A WBU world champion is not only an excellent fighter in the ring and the best boxer in his division; this boxer is also a lady or gentleman who has won this title cleanly and fairly, and is willing and ready at all times to defend it against any qualified opponent. A WBU world champion is a true example to the youth of the world, in and out of the ring. Our champion is always committed to respect, support, and comply with the WBU Constitution and its Rules & Regulations, and always carries the representation and world championship of the WBU with sportsmanship, dignity, loyalty, and pride. A WBU world champion is a boxer who is true to their vocation, to the rules of the sport, and to their commitments… and is always a professional.




The WBU shall be a sanctioning body dedicated to promote equal rights at all times in boxing, impartially, honestly, and fairly. The WBU shall engage in tireless efforts for the betterment of boxing all over the world as its goal. The WBU shall not accept any inequalities based on race, religion, politics, or nationality, and will further oppose all organizations and persons who advocate or conduct themselves so as to promote such inequalities of rights. It will be a prime objective of the WBU to strive for equality in boxing and to fight against such conditions that damage the free practice of professional boxing, including discrimination on the basis of race, nationality, or religion by any country or organization as unethical and contrary to the principles and spirit of the WBU.








The WBU, incorporated in Atlanta, Georgia, USA as a consequence of a meeting held there in 2010, shall be known as the WORLD BOXING UNION, INC. (“WBU”). The WBU is a for-profit entity dedicated to serving the sport of boxing and to implementing safety measures for the protection of all boxers. Each member of the WBU dedicates himself to the service of the sport of boxing as a vehicle of opportunity for the least fortunate in society. Each member of the WBU shall be dedicated in his service in all matters to the principle, “Only judge others as you shall wish to be judged.” Each championship bout certified by the WBU shall be designated a “WBU Championship”. Every WBU recognized champion, and every person involved in with matchmaking, promoting, and the conduct of WBU recognized bouts, and all those who request certification of such bouts, understand and acknowledge that the right to the title and designation “WBU Champion” is owned exclusively by the WBU. WBU certification of a match as a “WBU Championship” and the designation of “WBU Champion” are privileges and not rights of any kind or nature, vested or otherwise, and all boxers, promoters, and their representatives must comply with this Constitution, Rules & Regulations, Championship Rules, and rulings of the WBU in order to qualify for or maintain such certification or designation. The WBU World and World Silver Championships, the WBU Youth World and Intercontinental Championships, the WBU Female World Championships, the WBU International Championships, the WBU Asia Continental Championships, the WBU Mediterranean Championships, the WBU Continental, the Americas Championships, the WBU Latino Championships, the WBU European Championships, the WBU United States Championships, and any other present or future title that is authorized to carry the WBU name and certification, shall be subject to the terms of this paragraph.




The purposes of the WBU shall be as follows:

A. Uniform Control and Supervision of Boxing:

To promote and obtain efficiency and harmony in the control and supervision of professional men’s and women’s boxing throughout the world, through the development and implementation of uniform standards and rules applicable to the sport worldwide.

B. Develop and Institute Best Medical Standards:

To institute and develop the best available medical standards, procedures, and rules to ensure the safety of the boxers and of the sport.

C. Encouragement of Boxing as a Sport:

To encourage boxing as an activity conducive to physical fitness and as a sport that is a source of wholesome entertainment for the public.

D. Encouragement of Public Appreciation of Boxing:

To encourage greater public appreciation and patronage for the sport of boxing.

E. Promotion of Clean, Fair, and Equitable Competition:

To keep professional boxing, and all activities connected therewith, clean, fair, and equitable to all parties concerned.

F. Promotion of Boxers’ Safety and Welfare:

To make professional boxing as safe a sport as possible for boxers, and to promote their health and welfare.

G. Recognition of Champions:

To recognize the best boxer in each division as the champion of the world, having won such title in the ring, in compliance with all provisions of this Constitution and the Rules & Regulations of the WBU.

H. Certification and Recognition of Championship and Elimination Bouts:

To certify and recognize championship bouts in each weight division for WBU championships, provided that such bouts are held in compliance with this Constitution, and the Rules & Regulations, Championship Rules, and rulings of the WBU.

I. Promotion of Competition in Boxing:

To promote, enhance, and establish quality competition in boxing, with WBU-recognized champions defending their titles against qualified opponents on a regular basis.

J. Elimination of Discrimination in Boxing:

To prevent discrimination by reason of race, religion, or national origin, which is a despicable act towards human dignity and, as such, incompatible with the purposes and principles of the WBU as embodied in this Constitution and the Rules & Regulations of the WBU. Consequently, apartheid and/or discrimination is prohibited and shall be penalized accordingly.

K. Mediation to Resolve Controversies:

To mediate in controversies whenever and wherever possible, with the goal of making boxing a regulated and fair business, with ethical competition and respect for the rights of everyone involved.





L. Promotion of Cooperation and Respect among WBU Members:

To ensure that mutual cooperation and respect is maintained among all members affiliated with the WBU, respecting the decisions and territories of each other if applicable, and that the solutions created by the WBU are applied uniformly around the world.

M. Advance and Reform Amateur Boxing:

To encourage, advance, and reform amateur boxing, as both a foundation to the sport of professional boxing and an activity to encourage health, physical fitness, good sportsmanship, and positive lifestyles in youth around the world, and to institute international amateur boxing tournaments in the best interests of the sport.




The WBU shall have the following functions and duties:

A. Powers: The WBU shall have all powers, duties, authorizations, and responsibilities generally accorded to a forprofit corporation. In addition, but not by way of limitation, the WBU shall have the power to enter into license agreements, own stock in for-profit corporations, and donate funds to charitable organizations. The President of the WBU shall always have the option to invoke an Executive Order by the powers bestowed upon him by the organizing articles of the Corporation.

B. Promotion of the Best Interests of Boxing: To do all things conducive to attaining the purposes of the WBU and the promotion of uniformity, safety, and fair competition in boxing throughout the world in the best interests of boxing, including:

1. Support proper training worldwide of boxers, trainers, ring doctors, ring officials, and affiliated commissioners in the proper techniques, tactics, training, physical conditioning, safe and scientific / medical weight loss, and other elements of the sport.

2. Endorsement, support, and adoption by the WBU of worldwide standards for the protection of health and prevention of injuries in the sport, with a pledge to do everything within its power to foster and enhance the field of sports medicine and to employ this expertise in service of the best interests of boxers, the public, and boxing itself.





3. Endorsement, support, and adoption of an International Boxers Traveling License, including a yearly medical certificate and a boxer ID card to be carried by all boxers, which should contain their records of medical examinations and comments by the ringside physicians after every bout, as well as all additional information necessary for the strict supervision of the health and safety of traveling boxers throughout the world. The WBU will also encourage the use of the Internet World Wide Web and other future technologies to make information regarding boxers’ health available to authorities around the world.


4. Establish Weight Divisions:

To establish and/or recognize the champions in weight divisions with the following limits:

Division Pounds /Kilograms –

Minimumweight 105/ 47.727

Lightflyweight 108/ 48.988

Flyweight 112/ 50.802

Super Flyweight 115/ 52.163

Bantamweight 118 53.524

Superbantamweight 122/ 55.338

Featherweight 126/ 57.153

Superfeatherweight 130/ 58.967

Lightweight 135 61.235

Superlightweight 140/ 63.503

Welterweight 147/ 66.678

Superwelterweight 154/ 69.853

Middleweight 160/ 72.575

Supermiddleweight 168/ 76.364

Lightheavyweight 175/ 79.379

Cruiserweight 200/ 90.892

Heavyweight over 200 over 90.892 with no upper limit


D. Establishment of Ratings:

To establish and promote ratings each month in each weight division, and to recognize an outstanding boxer or boxers monthly and annually.





E. Adoption of Rules, Regulations, and Standards:

To prescribe the rules and regulations that will govern every championship or elimination bout, and to establish rules and standards for the conduct and scoring of every boxing contest in order to attain uniformity throughout the sport.

F. Mediation in Disputes:

To act upon, decide, settle, and mediate in disputes between member federations, boards or commissions, boxers, managers, promoters, and other licensed boxing people, and other disputes and appeals that may arise in the sport of boxing, whenever the local commission, board, or member federation shall have been unable to resolve them, as well as to mediate in any disputes involving the WBU or any of its champions, challengers, or their managers, promoters, or other interested parties.

G. Resolution of Grievances and Appeals:

To resolve grievances and appeals as they arise in the sport of boxing, according to the provisions of Rule 5 of the WBU Rules & Regulations.

H. Coordination of the WBU with Commissions and Member Federations:

To coordinate all activities and actions of member federations and commissions worldwide, so that all actions of the WBU regarding suspensions, revocations of licenses, and other penalties or sanctions enforced lawfully by member federations or commissions against any boxer, manager, trainer, or other boxing person shall be enforced and respected through the world.

J. Withdrawal or Suspension of Recognition:

To suspend or withdraw WBU recognition from any champion and challenger for any violation of this Constitution, the Rules & Regulations, or the rulings of the WBU, or for such other cause which, in the opinion and discretion of the WBU Executive Committee, justifies such suspension or withdrawal of recognition.




5 A. Term of Office:

Elections of the WBU’s Officers will be held every four (4) years at the annual convention, with each officer elected for a term of office of four (4) years with the exception of the Chairman of the Board who shall be appointed by the majority of stockholders.

B. Eligibility of Elective Voting Representatives:

The representatives who are eligible to vote for the officers are each member of the full WBU Executive Committee.




C. Executive Positions:

The voting elective representatives, which includes the representatives of the member federations, shall elect the President who shall have Executive Power to invoke an Executive Order in a first ballot, and up to five (5) Vice Presidents in a second ballot.

D. Elective Officers:

Upon the election of the President and Vice Presidents, the President may nominate the following additional officers: the Secretary General; Executive Director; up to five (5) International Secretaries; the Treasurer, up to two (2) General Advisors at Large, and the Honorary Lifetime Vice Presidents, all of whom will be elected by the majority voting of the full WBU Executive Committee, including the representatives of the affiliated federations, the President, and the elected Vice Presidents.

E. Special Elections:

The Secretary General, or if none is then appointed or available, the Executive Director if one has been named, will become the interim successor of the President if he becomes permanently incapacitated, and shall organize a special meeting to elect officially the successor to the President within on or before ninety (90) days after the incapacitation. The successor President shall be elected by the majority voting of the WBU Executive Committee, including each affiliated federation, which shall have two (2) votes, and each elected Vice President, who shall have one (1) vote for the election of a new president. Any vacancies in the officers or Board other than the President may be filled by a special election called by the President. Any successor shall be elected by the majority voting of the full WBU Executive Committee. Voting may be conducted in person or in writing, by electronic mail, or by telephone.

F. Composition:

The duties, functions, and powers specified in this Constitution and the Rules & Regulations of the WBU shall be exercised by the WBU Executive Committee.

1. The WBU Executive Committee will consist of the President-should he be available to serve-, the Secretary General, up to four (4) Vice Presidents, up to five (5) International Secretaries, the Treasurer, any former Presidents, up to five (5) Executive Lifetime Honorary Vice Presidents; up to two (2) General Advisors at Large; the Chief Legal Counsel and Executive Director, each of whom will not have the right to vote; and the two (2) voting representatives of each affiliated federation. The WBU Executive Committee may elect from the sitting Vice Presidents a Senior Vice President, who shall have such powers and status as the President and such Vice Presidents shall agree.

2. The Supreme Council of the WBU (the “Supreme Council”)-when formed- shall consist of such senior members and distinguished dignitaries and honored citizens from different countries of the world as shall be nominated by the President and elected by the majority voting of the WBU Executive Committee. Their responsibility will be to act as a special advisory board to the WBU and its Presidency, assist the WBU in organizing events and support in their respective countries, and represent the WBU as ambassadors worldwide.

3. The WBU Executive Committee shall consist of the President-if available, the Secretary General, the Vice Presidents, the Treasurer, the Chief Legal Counsel, and the Chairmen of Committees, and shall attend to all matters related to the general administration of the WBU.

G. Voting Procedures:

6 Unless otherwise provided for in this Constitution or the WBU Rules & Regulations, after a voting has been called by the President, a simple majority vote of the WBU Executive Committee shall be sufficient for the taking of any action or promulgation of any decision. Any reference in this Constitution or WBU Rules & Regulations to a vote by the majority of the WBU Executive Committee shall mean, after a voting called by the President, a vote by the majority of total votes cast by all members of the WBU Executive Committee, even though one or more of such members abstain or otherwise fail to cast a vote, provided that a quorum of the WBU Executive Committee has voted. Any reference to a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the WBU Executive Committee shall likewise mean two-thirds (2/3) vote of the total votes cast by all members of the WBU Executive Committee (or such lesser number of members permitted to vote as provided hereunder), even though one or more such members abstain or otherwise fail to cast a vote, provided that a quorum of the WBU Executive Committee has voted. Voting by written proxy, i.e., giving one’s vote to another, is not permitted under these ordinary voting procedures. The only exception to this rule is upon the occasion of a Convention or other in-person meeting in which a quorum of the WBU Executive Committee is physically present, in which case an affirmative or two-thirds (2/3) vote by the majority of the WBU Executive Committee shall mean a majority or two-thirds (2/3), respectively, of all members present, including any member who may abstain or otherwise fail to cast a vote. Unless otherwise provided for in this Constitution or the WBU Rules & Regulations, only the two (2) members of the WBU Executive Committee from each member federation, the Secretary General, the Treasurer, the Vice Presidents, the General Advisors at Large, the International Secretaries, and any former Presidents, shall be permitted to vote on all matters, with the President voting only in the event of a tie or for a tie.

H. Emergency Voting:

If, in the exercise of his discretion, the President determines that it is necessary and appropriate to take an immediate vote concerning a particular matter the resolution of which requires prompt and expeditious consideration, then such an immediate vote may be taken with or without a meeting and in accordance with the procedures established in paragraph I. below. In the event of a meeting, there will be a quorum when the President or the Secretary General or Executive Director, on his behalf, and three (3) of the five (5) member federations are represented either by their Presidents or by duly proxied representatives, with the President (or the Secretary General or Executive Director, on his behalf) voting only in the event of a tie or for a tie. Emergency voting may be conducted in writing, by electronic mail, or by telephone. Voting members may be polled collectively or individually by the President or his designee. If the matter is deemed immediately necessary for resolution by the President without sufficient time to call upon the WBU Executive Committee, the President at his discretion may invoke Executive Action for resolution.


I. Voting System:

All voting requests to the WBU Executive Committee shall be called by the President or, in his absence or at his direction, by the Secretary General or other designee on his behalf. Such voting requests may be sent by the President directly or his designee, or through the WBU Executive Office. Voting may be conducted in writing, by electronic mail, or by telephone. All votes shall be returned by the voting members of the WBU Executive Committee directly to the WBU Executive Office or to the President upon his request. Any member of the WBU Executive Committee who requests his vote to be made known to the WBU Executive Committee, shall request it directly to the WBU Executive Office, which will have the obligation to do so.

J. Voting Time Limits:

In the absence of a meeting of the WBU Executive Committee, each member must give his vote on any matter submitted to a vote by the President or Secretary General within four (4) days after receipt of the request for such a vote, unless a shorter time for response is required and requested, subject to reasonable extensions provided in the discretion of the President or Secretary General under the facts and circumstances of each case. If not received, the President shall exercise his powers and cast the vote as he deems fit.




A. Exclusive Membership:

All members of the WBU Executive Committee and all members of the various WBU committees shall be not be an officer or member of any working committee of any other international sanctioning organization or regional organization not affiliated with the WBU.

B. Classes of Membership and Dues:

The following classes of WBU membership shall exist: 1. Affiliated Member Federations. The WBU is comprised of the following affiliated member federations: International Boxing Union (IBU), and the World Athletic Association (WAA) and such other federations as may be considered necessary for professional boxing and duly admitted to the WBU in accordance with this Constitution. Boxing commissions may form a federation in their respective area and such newly-formed federation may apply for WBU membership, provided that the new federation does not include any area covered by an existing member federation (except countries that do not abide by this Constitution and the Rules & Regulations, Championship Rules, and rulings of the WBU). A federation must be a regional or national boxing sanctioning body to be eligible for admission as a member of the WBU and to be represented on the WBU Executive Committee as such, provided however, that this provision shall not apply to any of the existing affiliated federations. The WBU will give absolute respect to the boxing commissions and sanctioning bodies of each country in each of its member federations, except countries that do not abide by this Constitution and the Rules & Regulations, Championship Rules, and rulings of the WBU. The annual membership dues for each continental federation or sanctioning body shall be as established from time to time by the WBU Executive Committee. The membership dues of any affiliated federation or sanctioning body may be waived by the WBU Executive Committee of the WBU if the WBU Executive Committee, in its sole discretion, believes such federation or sanctioning body will use such funds to cover the cost of such federation’s or sanctioning body’s participation in the WBU or under other special circumstances. Each member federation or sanctioning body shall have the right to one (1) vote on any matter presented for a vote to the membership of the WBU. Each member federation or sanctioning body shall have the exclusive authority to determine who will cast the one (1) vote of the member federation or sanctioning body.

Any federation or sanctioning body not affiliated with the WBU may be provisionally accepted to membership by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the WBU Executive Committee, provided that the federation or sanctioning body has fulfilled the requirements for eligibility set forth herein. The federation or sanctioning body will be officially accepted for membership only during an annual or special WBU convention or special vote as mandated by the WBU President. An official representative of the federation or sanctioning body seeking membership in the WBU must be present at such convention or meeting.

2. WBU Executive Committee:

All members of the WBU Executive Committee shall be members of the WBU at no charge.

3. Nonvoting Members:

8 a. Ring Officials:

Ring Officials shall be certified and approved members of the WBU and abide by its Constitution, Rules & Regulations, and Ring Officials Code of Ethics.

b. Special Associate Members:

Individual boxing commissions and commissioners, sanctioning body officers as well as managers, trainers, and representatives may become Special Associate Members of the WBU. Boxing commissioners and commissions and sanctioning body officers who wish to participate in the affairs of the WBU may join under such fees and conditions as the WBU may establish from time to time, and their membership will entitle them to participate in a non-voting capacity in WBU conventions, congresses, and seminars, as well as receive WBU bulletins and communications on WBU activities.

c. Associate Members:

Boxing fans and any members of the general public interested in the sport of boxing may become associate general members of the WBU. The annual dues for an associate general membership in the WBU shall be established by the WBU from time to time.



d. Members of the Media:

Any member of the media desiring membership in the WBU may become a member at no charge. All nonvoting members are entitled to a voice in the annual convention, and to request materials from and participation in the activities of the WBU.

C. Membership Obligations:

The acceptance of the WBU membership binds the member to abide by all of the conditions of the Constitution and Rules & Regulations of the WBU, and to accept and enforce all decisions of the general membership and the WBU Executive Committee, subject only to any conflicting requirements that may be imposed by law of the member’s jurisdiction.

D. Suspension, Expulsion, or Lesser Penalties for Non-Adherence or Breach of the WBU Constitution, Rules and Regulations, or Rulings:

The WBU shall have the right to suspend for a definite or indefinite period of time, or, depending upon the circumstances, expel, impose a fine, or otherwise penalize any member of the WBU, any boxer, promoter, matchmaker, manager, or any other person or organization participating in the activities of the WBU, if such person or organization:

1. Contravenes any terms of the Constitution, Rules & Regulations, or rulings of the WBU;

2. Makes an affirmative misrepresentation or actively conceals material facts from the WBU or any of its officers or committees;

3. Makes or publishes any false or defamatory statements concerning the WBU or its officers;

4. Materially breaches contractual commitments relating to the WBU, or while conducting activities in the sport of boxing;

5. Is charged and convicted of a criminal offense; or

6. Acts in any other manner which tends to bring disrepute upon the WBU, its officers, or the sport of boxing.


E. Loss of Membership:

A boxing commission or board or sanctioning body will lose its membership in the WBU if it ceases to be affiliated with a member federation or body or may be removed, with or without cause, by vote of WBU Executive Committee. Any other member may be expelled from membership in the WBU, with or without cause, by a vote of the WBU Executive Committee.



A. Officers:

The officers of the WBU shall consist of the President-if he wishes to serve, up to five (5) Vice Presidents, the Secretary General, the Executive Director, the Treasurer, up to nine (9) International Secretaries, up to two (2) Counselors at Large, the Chief Legal Counsel, the former Presidents, and the Chairmen of permanent committees. Each officer must be a member of a member affiliated federation or sanctioning body or an active national, state, provincial, county, or local boxing council, commission, board or federation in good standing with the WBU, unless the proposed officer has been a member of the WBU Executive Committee for at least eight (8) years or has served as a boxing commissioner in any capacity for no less than four (4) years, and is appointed by majority vote of the WBU Executive Committee upon nomination by the President.

B. Budget:

Funds of the WBU shall be expended according to an annual budget, which shall be prepared by the Treasurer, and which shall be approved by the Finance Committee or in lieu of the President of the WBU.






C. Official Decisions:

Any action or position voiced or taken individually by any officer shall not be construed as the position or action of the WBU, unless approved by a majority vote of the WBU Executive Committee, other than actions of the President pursuant to his power and authority to act in the best interests of boxing under this Constitution and the WBU Rules & Regulations.

D. Vice Presidents:

The Vice-Presidential positions shall whenever possible be occupied by persons from different member federations or sanctioning bodies in order to provide a broad basis for representation.

E. General Advisors at Large:

The General Advisors at Large shall be respected professionals and/or general boxing experts nominated by the President and elected as voting members of the WBU Executive Committee to hold office for the remaining scheduled term of the President.

F. Chief Legal Counsel:

The Chief Legal Counsel, who may be designated as either Chief Special Counsel or General Counsel, if appropriate, shall be nominated by the President and approved by majority vote of the WBU Executive Committee. The Chief Legal Counsel shall be a practicing attorney at law admitted to the bar of a country affiliated with a member federation or sanctioning body or the personal choice of the President. The Chief Legal Counsel shall sit on the WBU Executive Committee but shall have no vote.

G. International Secretaries:

The International Secretaries shall be boxing experts of long standing and shall be nominated by the President and approved by a majority vote of the WBU Executive Committee to hold office for the remaining scheduled term of the President.

H. Treasurer:

The Treasurer shall be appointed by the President and approved by a majority vote of the WBU Executive Committee to hold office for the remaining scheduled term of the President.

I. Commencement of Duties and Removal:

All officers shall assume the duties of their respective positions immediately upon their designation or appointment. The President may be removed from office by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the WBU stockholders. The Vice-Presidents, and all other officers of the WBU may be removed from office by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members of the WBU Executive Committee.

J. Maximum Voting Rights:

In the event that a Vice-President of the WBU is also the president or a voting representative of his continental federation, then he shall have one (1) vote in any vote of the WBU Executive Committee, and his continental federation shall appoint the other two (2) representatives eligible to vote on behalf of the federation. In the event of a meeting in which such federation has only one (1)other representative present, such Vice-President shall have two (2) votes, one (1) in his capacity as Vice-President, and the other on behalf of his federation. If such federation has no other representatives present, such Vice-President shall vote the two (2) votes of his federation, but shall not be entitled to an additional vote as Vice-President.

10 K. Officer Appointments:

All other officers of the WBU shall be appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the WBU Executive Committee.



A. President:

The President shall have all the obligations, rights, and duties customary to his position and all such power and authority as shall be granted to him pursuant to this Constitution and the WBU Rules & Regulations, including the following: 1. He shall have full power and authority to interpret this Constitution and the WBU Rules & Regulations, and to issue and apply such rulings as he shall in his sole discretion deem to be in the best interests of boxing.

2. He shall be the official representative and spokesman of the WBU with respect to final decisions of the WBU Executive Committee or other matters related to the WBU.

d3. He shall appoint as many committees as he deems necessary, with the approval of the WBU Executive Committee. Such committees will report directly to him, and their decisions are subject to the WBU President’s approval, unless such committee decision is supported by two-thirds (2/3) of the votes of the WBU Executive Committee.

4. He shall have the right to appoint judges and referees and the WBU representatives to all WBU certified contests, and will have the right to agree on such with the local boxing commissions.

5. He shall resolve, without seeking a vote, all routine matters, based on this Constitution and the WBU Rules & Regulations.

6. He is authorized to announce any action when the required votes of the WBU Executive Committee have been received approving such action.

7. He shall have all rights and responsibilities attendant to his position, with the understanding that he is the representative of the affiliated member federations and sanctioning bodies, which are the supreme authority of the WBU, acting through the WBU Executive Committee but maintaining the authority to invoke Executive Order action as he deems necessary.

8. He shall mediate in matters of controversy, at the request of the parties, or at his discretion, when it is deemed convenient to help resolve such controversies and problems.

9. He shall present a report at world and regional conventions and at any other time requested by the WBU Executive Committee.

10. He shall organize and supervise the functions and work of the officers and committees that he appoints and he will be responsible to the highest authority in the WBU, the WBU Executive Committee.

11. He will be responsible to represent or appoint representatives to any activity related to the WBU.





12. He shall be empowered to use his office and best efforts to pursue commercial affiliations toward the ends of: promulgating a positive image of the sport of boxing generally, and the WBU specifically; garnering funds to support the objectives of the WBU in boxing safety; aiding promoters with WBU-sanctioned events, work diligently to get the best boxers and the best fights to be under the WBU auspices, and increasing public awareness of the sport as well as of the WBU.

11 B. Vice-Presidents:

The duties and responsibilities of the Vice Presidents include acting as substitute for the President and/or other Vice-Presidents when necessary and to perform all activities duly designated by the President. They will be responsible for strengthening the position, participation, and image of the WBU in the countries of the member federations or affiliated sanctioning bodies that they represent, as the highest WBU officer in his area.

B. Secretary General:

The Secretary General shall be nominated by the President and elected by and be a member of the WBU Executive Committee, and shall hold office for the remaining scheduled term of the President. The Secretary General shall be the officer who supports the President in the accomplishment of his responsibilities either directly and/or through the Permanent Secretariat or the Executive Office located in the country of the President; he shall report to the President and shall:

1. Act on matters in representation of the President and the WBU Executive Office; and

2. Supervise activities including purse offer bids and WBU Executive Committee voting pertaining to the business and activities of the WBU.

3. When requested by the President, he shall distribute ballots, receive votes, and report them to the President and WBU Executive Committee, under control at the WBU Executive Office and/or on his own.

4. Be in charge of distribution and amendments to the WBU Constitution and Rules & Regulations.

5. Assist the President to administer and control the meetings at world conventions.

6. Perform all responsibilities attendant to his position, and, in case of a vacancy in the position, or incapacity of the President, organize a meeting of the member federations and sanctioning bodies to elect a successor, within ninety (90) days of the day on which the vacancy or incapacity occurs. The meeting will be chaired by the Secretary General or in lieu of, the person designated by the President, who will have no vote except in the case of a tie.

D. Executive Director:

An Executive Director may be nominated by the President and elected by WBU Executive Committee to hold office for the remaining scheduled term of the President. If elected, the Executive Director shall be the officer responsible for the general administration of the WBU at the direction of the President, and shall supervise and have authority over the Permanent Secretariat and/or Executive Office of the WBU as the President shall determine. The Executive Director shall have such duties and powers as shall be assigned or delegated by the President or provided for under this Constitution.

E. Treasurer:

The Treasurer shall:

1. Supervise and control the financial affairs of the WBU, including income and expenses, and prepare an annual budget for approval by the WBU Finance Committee.

2. Prepare and present to the President and the Finance Committee a budget for expenses relating to the annual conventions.

3. Prepare and present to the President and the Finance Committee, within six (6) months after the annual or regional convention, an accounting of the actual expenses incurred and paid by the WBU relating to the convention.

4. Sign all WBU checks in amounts of US$5,000.00 or less.

5. Countersign checks with a designee of the President, in excess of US$5,000.

6. Reimburse all expenses made by the President, members of the WBU Executive Committee, officers, and other persons who represent the WBU in any activity, including but not limited to insurance.

7. Register the WBU account on the Treasury Departments of the nations where the WBU has financial business, where required.

8. File tax returns to the fiscal authorities where applicable.

9. Perform all additional duties and responsibilities attendant to the office of the Treasurer.

F. Chief Legal Counsel:

The Chief Legal Counsel shall be, along with the President, the official legal recipient of legal matters and will be the direct major counselor to the President and the WBU Executive Committee. He will be in communication with and direct the other WBU Legal Counselors, as well as perform the corresponding responsibilities.

G. Legal Counselors:

The Legal Counselors will advise the President and WBU Executive Committee on all matters concerning the interpretation of this Constitution and the WBU Rules & Regulations. They will not be voting members of the WBU Executive Committee and will represent the WBU in all judicial and administrative matters, in coordination with the Chief Legal Counsel. H. International Secretaries. The International Secretaries shall be members of the WBU Executive Committee and shall be in charge of the implementation of the Rules & Regulations and international supervision of WBU programs, as well as specific responsibilities, plans, and programs as designated by the President. I. The WBU Executive Office. The WBU Executive Office shall be staffed by the Executive Director and such other staff employees as the administration of the WBU requires. They shall report to the President and their function shall be the administration of all WBU businesses.









The WBU shall have such committees as are deemed necessary and appointed by the President. Each committee shall have a chairman, who will be appointed by the President and approved by the WBU Executive Committee. Among others, the WBU shall have the following permanent committees: Finance; Legal; Medical Advisory Board; Membership; Ratings; and Ring Officials; as well as such other committees that the President and the WBU Executive Committee may deem necessary. Each committee will have a vice-chairman from an affiliated federation or sanctioning body. The permanent committees shall have the following structures and duties:

A. Finance Committee:

Will consist of such members, including the Chairman, as shall be appointed by the WBU President with the approval of the WBU Executive Committee. The functions of the Finance Committee will be:

1. To review and approve the year budget and other financial plans of the WBU;

2. To review and approve non-budgeted expenses of the WBU;

3. To produce programs to generate revenues in order to support and promote the WBU and its activities.

4. To arrange special events to raise such funds as may be required;

5. To meet at least once a year to review financial matters of the WBU; and

6. To have the authority to supervise and audit the accounting records under the responsibility of the Treasurer.

B. Medical Advisory Board:

Shall advise the WBU on all matters pertaining to the health and safety of boxers, and shall advise boxing federations and affiliated sanctioning bodies to the extent possible, of all preferred and/or necessary procedures to enhance the safety of boxers, and shall execute any medical program of research and development to find the safest way for the protection and treatment of injuries of boxers.



C. Membership Committee:

Shall be responsible for current member updating, as well as enforcement of membership procedures, issuance of credentials, collection of fees, and recruitment of new members. It shall also present an administrative and financial report to the President’s designee upon request of the President.

D. Ratings Committee:

Will promulgate the monthly ratings based on monthly bout results, as well as the ratings standards and additional criteria approved by the WBU Executive Committee. This committee will name the Boxer of the Month and will recommend the Boxer of the Year to be named by the WBU Executive Committee, with a majority voting. It will also recommend the Fight of the Year to the WBU Executive Committee, but this accolade is restricted to WBU-recognized world championships, as they are the only bouts which will be viewed by a number of the members of the WBU and WBU Executive Committee, and which are conducted under the supervision, Constitution, and Rules & Regulations of the WBU. Each federation and affiliated sanctioning body shall have a representative on the Ratings Committee. A member of this committee who is also a voting member of the WBU Executive Committee will not exercise his voting right when ratings are voted on during the annual or regional convention.

E. Ring Officials Committee:

The Ring Officials Committee shall promote and strive for uniformity and enhancement of the standards of all officials; coordinate world seminars on officiating, and issue certificates to WBU qualified and approved officials, as well as other related matters. The remaining committees whose functions are not specifically set forth shall have those duties as are assigned from time to time by the President.



The executive office of the WBU shall be in the city and country of residence of the Chairman of the Board, with the Permanent Secretariat of the WBU being in United States of America until designated otherwise by the President.




A. Annual Meetings:

The WBU Executive Committee and the general membership shall meet at least once a year to review, amend, and vote on any and all matters related to professional boxing within the WBU.

B. Special Meetings:

Between annual and regional conventions, depending on the convenience and ability of its members, the WBU Executive Committee (or a quorum of its members as provided in Article IV. may meet on such dates and in such places, as the President shall designate, subject to the consent of the majority of the members of the WBU Executive Committee. Meetings may be held in person or by teleconference.

C. Date and Place of Meetings:

The President, or his designee on behalf of the President, shall set the date and place of all meetings.

D. Quorum:

In all meetings or votes of the entire WBU Executive Committee, a quorum shall consist of a simple majority of all members of the Board (a minimum of half plus one).










All parties involved in reaching an agreement as to a WBU contest shall fully accept and agree to abide by this Constitution and the Rules & Regulations, Championship Rules and rulings of the WBU. Regardless of whether or not such document has been executed and returned to the WBU, all boxers, managers, promoters, trainers, and all other parties transacting business with the WBU are deemed to expressly agree to be bound by and comply with the Constitution, Rules & Regulations, Championship Rules, and all rulings of the WBU in all matters pertaining to the conduct of such business, in order to participate in any dealings with the WBU. The expression of any party of a lack of knowledge of the WBU Constitution, Rules & Regulations, or Championship rules will not be a cause for any exception in regard to this rule. The WBU Constitution, Rules & Regulations, and Championship Rules are available on the WBU web page on the Internet. Upon request to the WBU Executive Offices, a copy of the WBU Constitution, Rules & Regulations, and Championship Rules will be furnished.


Amendments to this Constitution shall be made only upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the WBU Executive Committee or by the Executive Order action of the President if necessary. Each proposal for amendment shall be submitted to the voting members of the WBU Executive Committee at an annual convention, or by any of the alternate voting procedures outlined in Article IV.7.